With all the riding I did over the weekend, I had time to zone out and let my mind wander. I think it was on Sunday on my way back from Guffey I started wondering whether I’d be really tan on my right side but not my left by the end of RAAM. If I spend 12 days riding generally east, the amount of sunlight each side of my body gets has to be considerably different. I think the reason I started thinking about it is that Sunday was our first really warm day.
Today it felt like summer. Normally April is our 2nd snowiest month of the year but it’s been warm and dry so far. I already have a pretty weird tan line from a little gap between my glove and my ID and medical info bracelet from RoadID. I’ve said it before but I’m going to say it again. It’s a dangerous world out there and you really should have some kind of ID and info on you when you’re out riding, running, or whatever. It was really brought home recently when a friend had a really scary close call on a section of road that seems relatively safe.
I finally added a link to the Pikes Peak Cam so you can see the mountain that I can see the majority of the time I’m riding. I ride by the building the cam is on all the time. The only thing that would make the view better would be if it were at the Garden of the Gods Visitor Center so you could see the red rocks in the foreground. I also have added a graphic of the local weather conditions above the links. I also added a countdown to the start of RAAM both in the header and on the right.