Rain and Lightning

July 21st, 2006

This week I’ve commuting by bike everyday since my wife’s van has been in the shop and she’s using my vehicle. It takes about 45 minutes to get to work and 30 minutes to get home. At our old work location, it was 24 minutes to work and 12 minutes home which was just enough to need a shower but not feel like I’d gotten a ride in. The first two thirds is on the bike path along Fountain Creek and the last third is mainly quiet street with only a few blocks of busy street.

After a very dry first 6 months of the year, we’ve been having thunderstorms nearly every day. Yesterday it rained so hard at work that you could nearly go rafting in the parking lot. Officially this month we’ve had nearly double the precipitation of the first 6 months. That’s recorded at the airport at the southwest corner of the city and the thunderstorms generally are worse to the west and north. Yesterday the official rainfall was only 0.03 inch.

Fortunately by the time I got ready to ride home the extreme lightning was over and there was only light rain. On the short section that I’m along Cottonwood Creek, there was a little water flowing on the bike path. Normally it’s just a tiny stream but yesterday it was a raging torrent.

With all the storms, at least 5 people have been injured and one killed by lightening in Colorado in the last week. During the storms during RAAM there were a couple times were I didn’t feel safe because of lightening and I took shelter in the follow van. According to the NOAA lightning safety information if you get caught out on a bike during a thunderstorm there’s really no safe place but gives a list of safer locations. If you are really caught out with nowhere to go, they have what they call the lightning desperation position.

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Exciting Tour de France

July 20th, 2006

I was really disappointed yesterday when Floyd Landis cracked on the climb to La Toussuire. He seemed to say he was just having an off day but other reports have said he bonked hard. There’s a good article on Biking Bis about what might have happened.

I was really hoping he would win the overall. He was a mountain biker before making the switch to the road and I admire his hard work ethic. I can also relate to the way he grew up.

Since I don’t have cable, I read the live report on cyclingnews.com. Since I know a lot of people watch the stage in the evening, I won’t spoil it but it was an incredible stage. With only 30 seconds between the top 3 riders on GC, Saturday’s time trial will determine the overall winner.

Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $219.95
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Price: $268.44
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Price: $38.73

Nutrition During RAAM

July 16th, 2006

Photo courtesy of Tom at GVH Bikes.

I have spent the last 8 years refining my nutrition for 24 hour and longer races. I owe a big thanks to Dr. Bill, who is now retired from Hammer Nutrition. After having serious stomach problems in my first couple 24 hour mountain bike races, Dr. Bill tried convincing me that I didn’t need solid food in a race that short. It took him a while but I finally decided to try it my 2nd time solo at the 24 Hours of Moab.

It worked so well I’ve stuck with all liquid fueling since then for 24 hour and shorter events. In the Race Across America qualifiers, I’ve eaten only a small amount of saltines, fruits and nuts. The exception to this was last year in the Adirondack 540 where my stomach was messed up from taking predisone after an asthma attack during the RMCC 400k brevet last June. Steve Born, also Hammer Nutrition, has helped me fine tune my nutrition including supplements for the longer events.

E-CAPS/Hammer Nutrition is one of my sponsors and a big thanks goes out to them. If you’ve never tried their products and you do long events, you owe it to yourself to give their products a try. They are really good at helping their customers fine tune their fuels and supplements. You can get 15% off your first order by using this link. A previous blog entry describes the basics of how I use their products for various length events.

Nutrition was never an issue in my RAAM attempt. I had consistent energy except for one time in the desert when I gave in to my Coke craving. I fought it for 5 or 6 hours and finally asked my crew for a Coke. I told myself I’d only drink half of it. They got me a 20 oz bottle and I drank close to 2/3 of it. It only took about 15 minutes before my energy started crashing. Of course this had to be just before the Yarnell grade of 8 miles at 8% grade. To make matters worse it was early afternoon with a brutal sun and about 100 degrees.

During RAAM my goal was to get at least 70% of my calories from liquids. I think I was quite a bit higher than that. As long as my digestion could keep up, I tried getting between 250-280 calories and hour. The majority of the time I was drinking a bottle with 2 scoops of Perpetuem and 2 scoops of Endurolyte powder. On the Yarnell Grade and also on Wolf Creek Pass I switched to HEED although I wasn’t having a problem with the Perpetuem but HEED is easier to digest. I think I had a couple other bottles of HEED through the desert mainly for something different.

I was also eating small amounts of watermelon, cantaloupe, honey dew, red grapes, pretzels, saltines, nuts, and turkey lunch meat. At Tuba City I requested a chicken soft taco with rice from Taco Bell minus some of the sauces. Especially in the desert the watermelon was great. My crew would cut it up and put it in a plastic bag in one of the ice bags so it was really cold. My mouth would get so dry that sipping water wouldn’t help the dryness but eating the watermelon would.

Here’s what I did pretty much every hour for E-caps and Hammer Nutrition Supplements:

Every 4th hour I was taking 1 Super AO.

From 10 AM until 6 PM I was mixing in a serving of Liquid Endurance to my drink. I actually got to the point of preferring the taste of Perpetuem with Liquid Endurance over just Perpetuem.

I did find that a few times a day my stomach would get a little acidic and I’d take a couple Tums. I was also using a few tums a day that I would let sit in my mouth as a paste to help with mouth sores. I actually had less problems during RAAM than I had in my qualifiers. I was also occasionally rinsing my mouth with Mylanta in an attempt to decrease the mouth sores.

An hour before I’d stop for a sleep break, I would take 3 PICs and start drinking a bottle with 3 scoops of Recoverite in it. Once I’d stop, I’d take 4 more
, drink 5 scoops of Recoverite, take 2 capsules of fish oil and take 3 Tissue Rejuvenators. I was amazed at how much I was recovering with just 3 hours of sleep.

Future Plans

July 12th, 2006

Right now I’m thinking I’ll do the RMCC 200k on July 29th. They also have a 300k from Denver to Aspen the following weekend but that would mean a lot more driving and time away from home. I did both of them last year. The 300k is really a great ride and goes over Independence Pass which is one of my favorites in the state.

If my training goes well and my leg is recovered, I’d then like to do the Durango MTB 100. I finished 4th there in 2003 and 5th in 2004. I’ll have to feel like I’m riding well to go do it because it is a race that can really beat you up. It really makes the other 100 milers seem easy. There’s 18,000 feet of climbing with the high point being over 11,500 feet. In 2003 there were 70 starters and only 15 finishers. Part of it was the really muddy conditions but in 2004 the conditions were probably about as good as they’ll ever be and there were only 16 finishers. The number of starters for the 103 miles has dropped because they’re also offering a 50k and 100k.

I’d really like to be back at RAAM next year but don’t see how I can afford it or have enough vacation time. Of course if I had the money, I could take unpaid time off from work. If you know of any good sponsors or would like to sponsor me, please contact me. Of course if everybody that reads this blog would donate $10 and ask 10 of their friends to do the same, I’d have enough money for RAAM. The only problem is that sounds like those get rich scheme’s that are always filling up my inbox.

Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $219.95
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Price: $268.44
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Price: $38.73

Riding Harder Again

July 12th, 2006

The last couple weeks I’ve kept my rides an hour or less and at a recovery pace. Monday I rode an hour and 15 minutes and my left leg was only a little tighter after the ride.

Yesterday 5 of us from work went out at lunch. I’m lucky to work with several good riders. James won the 24 Hours of EROCK the beginning of June even though he did a fair amount of it without a crew. Last year he finished the Leadville 100 in under 8 hours which is something very few people have done. Bob was also on the ride. He was on was on the 4 person team that finished 3rd overall at the 24 Hours of Steamboat this year. John is a Sport mountain bike racer and we also had Daryle, my 2nd level manager, who is a strong recreational rider. We also have a few other strong recreational riders that weren’t on yesterday’s ride.

We went out into Black Forest which has lots of rollers. At least that’s what we call them although people from other places don’t agree. I was riding with Mike Enfield from Arizona at last years RMCC 200k and he insisted they were climbs instead of rollers. James was pushing what seemed like a hard pace but I haven’t done any intensity for nearly a month and a half. I managed to hang on even though Daryle and John got dropped. Bob also looked like he was working hard to stay on so I think I haven’t lost as much speed as I thought I might have. I had some pain in my left leg and hip but not nearly bad enough to affect my riding. Hopefully it won’t be too much longer before everything is back to normal.

Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $219.95
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Price: $268.44
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Price: $38.73

20% Off at Bike Nashbar

July 11th, 2006

I’ve been posting deals that I find out about from my advertisers on UltraRob’s Deals. Ok, I didn’t keep up the last few weeks before RAAM and of course during RAAM but I’ve been posting deals since then. Yesterday I got a great deal from Bike Nashbar that you’ll want to take advantage in the next few days if they have something that you’re needing.

Nashbar Logo 125x125

Get 20% off at Nashbar.com on orders over $100 now through 7/14/06. Use coupon code AF71.

Race Across America-El Tour ULTRA CYCLIST of the YEAR

July 10th, 2006

Below is an e-mail I received from Perimeter Bicycling. I couldn’t find more information on their website but as far as I know you can vote for any rider whether or not they finished.

It was a grueling race this year and your vote is needed to honor the dedication, discipline and valor of your favorite RAAM cyclist! Use your own criteria for any cyclist – solo or member of a team.

Please send an e-mail today to info@perimeterbicycling.com with your selection! In order to validate your vote please include your name, your e-mail and your address.

Votes will be counted on Friday, July 14, 2006, so please vote NOW!

All RAAM cyclists (solos and individual members of the relay teams) are eligible for this prestigious award. Amongst other accolades, the winner will receive:

  • Round-Trip airfare (U.S only, sorry!) to participate in the 2006 First Magnus El Tour de Tucson XXIV presented by Diamond Ventures on Nov 18, including complimentary entry and 4-day hotel accommodations. El Tour is the largest Perimeter Bicycling event in the U.S. welcoming over 8000 participants from all over the world including Olympic & pro-level racers as well as families at all levels of cycling experience.
  • Two complimentary tickets to the El Tour Dedication Dinner, where he/she will be introduced.
  • Recognition at the El Tour Grand Cycling Awards Ceremony after the event on Saturday, November 19

Thank you for participating! Please feel free to pass this on to others you feel would like to have their voice heard!

If you’ve already voted – THANK YOU! You are part of the Sprit of RAAM

Please vote today!

Local Newspaper Article

July 10th, 2006

Our local paper, the Gazette, published an article about RAAM last week.

It was weather worthy of “The Wizard of Oz,” and in the end, it was Rob Lucas’ downfall.

Lucas, a 35-year-old software engineer from Colorado Springs, was more than halfway into the Race Across America, a grueling crosscountry bike race that started in Oceanside, Calif., and would end in Atlantic City, N.J.

He had been riding strongly and steadily, for days since the race officially started June 11. He had endured waves of dry heat in California’s Mojave Desert and the relentless climb over Wolf Creek Pass in Colorado. He had ridden through pain in his quadriceps on the Colorado plains.

But as he pedaled east, he met his nemesis: a summer storm system, massive, dark and mean, that beat the riders for hours.

Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $219.95
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Price: $268.44
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Price: $38.73

Leg Treatment

July 5th, 2006

Today I went in to Dr. Wood to get my leg troubles worked on. He adjusted my pelvis, back and neck. In addition to doing chiropractive adjustments he also uses Active Release Technique to work on soft tissue. As he felt along my IT band he had a “this isn’t good”. He worked out a big knot in the IT band and also said I had a problem with my Sartorius muscle. He also worked some on the tightness in the quads but said it was from the other issues.

A big thanks to Dr. Leahy who developed the Active Release Technique. I am lucky that Dr. Leahy is right here in Colorado Springs. Dr. Wood and Dr. Matthews are also in the office here. They are one of my sponsors and were a big help during my training for RAAM and now they are helping me recover. They have trained providers all over the country. You can search for ART providers in your area.

Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $219.95
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Price: $268.44
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Price: $38.73

Back to Normal Life

July 5th, 2006

We got back home around midnight on Saturday. We drove about 1600 miles in 2 days which seemed like a long ways especially with a 3 year old and a 21 month old. It helped me put into perspective the 2,000 miles of RAAM that I did in 8 days on a bike. I plan to write a more detailed day by day account of my RAAM experience over the next several days or weeks depending on how quickly I get the pile of bills cleared off my desk.

We’ve spent the last couple days trying to get caught up on things but I still have a mountain of mail to go through. Today was my first day at work in a month. To make it tougher, they moved the office to another building while I was gone for RAAM. I spent some time wandering around the cubicle maze trying to figure out where everything is.

The good news about the work move is we will now have 3 showers instead of 2 in the locker room. I thought we were supposed to have more lockers since we often ended up stacking stuff on the bench at the old location. The lockers aren’t in yet but I’m having trouble seeing how there can be more. Definitely on the downside is we’re farther from the good road riding and it’s even worse for mountain bike riding. It also increasing my drive time a fair amount although now it’s far enough to make sense to ride my bike in on easy days. The old location was about 4.5 miles from my house which was just far enough to need a shower but not far enough to count as a training ride.

Email: web@ultrarob.com

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