Spinning Again for a Guinness World Record

, , | UltraRob | Monday, December 10th, 2007 at 8:04 pm

Last January George Hood rode an indoor bike for 85 straight hours in an attempt to set a new Guinness World Record. It seems that his record keeping wasn’t good enough for it to be recognized by Guinness. He raised some money for an Illinois police group so it wasn’t totally wasted effort.

The week after George’s ride, John Jurczynski was planning to ride for 50 hours to raise money for the American Diabetes Association while he was training for the Race Across America. He decided to try going longer than 85 hours. He ended up doing 87 hours. Since he decided to go for the record at the last minute, John wasn’t even sure what the rules were and figured it would be unofficial and it was.

In April Pete Masie and Wendy Gardiner both rode for 96 hours, 4 minutes and 8 seconds during training for RAAM as a 2 person team. I’m not sure if their ride was ever recognized by Guinness.

George Hood didn’t let his defeat in January get him down and in July he rode for 111 hours, 11 minutes and 11 seconds. His goal was to ride long enough that the record would be his for a long time.

John JurczynskiJohn “Blue Dog” Jurczynski finished RAAM solo last year and now he wants the Guinness World Record to be his officially. Along with Mike “Mad Dog” Gallagher, John started riding at 5 AM this morning at the Laconia Athletic & Swim Club as part of LASC’s 5th annual Cycle Mania fund raiser for needy children in New Hampshire. There will be relay teams riding along with John and Mike. Check out John’s website for more information and links to a couple promotional videos. Hopefully there will be some updates throughout the next few days.

Update: New record set at 113 hours!

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4 responses to “Spinning Again for a Guinness World Record”

  1. […] much this week on John “Blue Dog” Jurczynski and Mike “Mad Dog” Gallagher attempt to break the Guinness spinning record. I did find an article written on Tuesday from the local Laconia paper. According to that article, […]

    • Tim says:

      Good day Gents

      My name is Tim and I held the record for about 120 days back in 2004. We did 76 hours. Back then the rules were a 15min break every 8 hrs, average speed had to be 20km/h or above. Our record was officially recognized by Guinness, and have the cettificate to prove it somewhere. I did this in South Africa and now live in the UK, thought I’d just drop you a line.

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