Lance Armstrong Pre-Leadville 100 Videos

, , , | UltraRob | Wednesday, August 6th, 2008 at 8:04 am

Here are a couple videos of Lance Armstrong when he was at Leadville last week pre-riding part of the Leadville 100 course. When I got some parts at Colorado Cyclist on Saturday, I talked to a guy whose roommate had gone up with the Carmichael Training Sytems group to ride with Lance. He said Lance was looking fit.

The 2nd video is of Lance and a couple other guys starting up the Columbine Climb. I recognize the spot at the end where the dog is barking and it isn’t very far up. At that point you’re close to the lowest point on the course around 9,000 feet and from there you climb to the high point at 12,600 feet.

Update: Lance Armstrong and Dave Wiens race videos

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One response to “Lance Armstrong Pre-Leadville 100 Videos”

  1. Terry says:

    I love the bongo drums during Lance’s interview!

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