Time to Practice for Cyclocross

, , | UltraRob | Monday, August 25th, 2008 at 6:33 am

Cyclocross at Bear Creek Park

Update: Race parking will be the same as last year at least for the September 13th cyclocross race.

It’s hard to believe but cyclocross season is almost here. Our first cyclocross race at Bear Creek is on September 13th. The 2nd race is on November 22nd.

September 2008 Pikes Peak Velo Cyclocross CourseSome good news for this year is we’ll be using the Penrose Event Center’s parking. The last couple years we’ve spent a lot of time directing traffic to the Bear Creek parking lots. Although a little of the course will be the same as last year, a lot of it will be new as you can see if you click the course image.

If you’ve never given cyclocross a try, you really should. If you live in the Colorado Springs area, people are meeting informally at Bear Creek on Wednesday evenings from 6 to 8 PM to practice. Some barriers will be set up and there will be a 20 minute practice race at 7 PM. This isn’t organized by any group and you participate at your own risk.

In addition to the informal practice sessions, Bicycle Village is putting on a cyclocross clinic on September 6th. It will be from 10 AM to 2 PM and costs $40. Registration required by 6 PM on September 4th.

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Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
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Adidas AX2 Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Adidas AX2 Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $135.00
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Price: $268.44

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3 responses to “Time to Practice for Cyclocross”

  1. Fit Mommy says:

    Wish we lived in Colorado. We’d thrive on all that competitive energy. Hubby has been contemplating some cyclocross races this year- but he isn’t a runner at all!

    He swears by those ZIPP wheels and Hammer Gel, too. I’m more of a roadie when not training for running.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I’m trying to put together a list of cyclocross events in Colorado for my publication – BaseCamp Colorado. I’d like to turn folks on to the sport. Links and races would be helpful. Email me at info@basecampcolorado.com
    Thanks, Jim

  3. […] Update: 2008 Pikes Peak Velo Cyclocross Race Info […]

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