Urgent: Colorado Bike Safety Bill

, , | UltraRob | Wednesday, February 11th, 2009 at 1:44 pm

Some years I ride my bike thousands of miles on the road. I’ve had motorists harass me in many ways. I’ve nearly been hit by cars passing too close, been intentionally buzzed, had a pickup pull into a gravel pullout and spin to spray me with gravel, had a couple bottles and ice thrown at me, had a bottle rocket shot into my back wheel and a passenger reach out and slap me. The list goes on.

The 2009 Colorado Bicycle Safety Bill will be voted on by the State Senate possibly as soon as this Friday, Feb. 13. This bill will help protect bicyclists on roads and makes it easier for motorists to pass bicyclists safely. Opponents are trying to remove the 3 feet safe passing distance. Bicycle Colorado has more information on Senate Bill 148.

You can help by contacting your state senator. You can find out contact info by clicking here and entering your zip code. Key points are

  • I encourage you to support Senate Bill 148
  • Please keep the 3 foot safe passing distance
  • I believe this bill will improve road safety

You can also help by getting the word out or donating to Bicycle Colorado’s efforts.

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0 responses to “Urgent: Colorado Bike Safety Bill”

  1. Dan Grunig says:

    Hi Rob-
    Thanks for posting this and including your own experiences. We think it is time for bicyclists to be treated with safety and respect on our roadways. You will be glad to hear the bill passed it’s first of two Senate votes today. The final Senate vote should be next week.

    Did you know that both our bill sponsors have Leadville 100 buckles? Rep. Michael Merrifield got his last year and Sen. Greg Brophy did a sub-9 hour in 2007

    Dan Grunig
    Bicycle Colorado

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