Assault on the Peak Results

August 30th, 2010

Assault on the Peak

Although the Assault on the Peak was a bike ride instead of an actual race, they timed the riders at the toll gate, Glen Cove and the summit. Even if there wasn’t timing, I have no doubt some would have ridden it as a race for bragging rights. Leroy Popowski won the bragging rights for the next year of being the fastest up Pikes Peak with just his own power since 2 guys on electric assist bikes beat him to the top.

See Assault on the Peak photos here.

First Last Age Sex Tollgate Glen Cove Summit
*- Kyle Hale 27 M 24:00.f 01:12.1 1:46:59
* – Jim Turner 54 M 24:00.f NO 1:46:59
Popouski Leroy 35 M 37:21.f 01:28.6 2:17:33
Jayson Middlemiss 39 M 24:00.f 01:34.3 2:28:20
Jonathan DeLacey 42 M 27:36.f 01:38.4 2:33:54
Jesse Jakomait 33 M 27:36.f 01:38.4 2:33:57
jonathan bearden 30 M 24:00.f 01:38.4 2:36:25
Scott NagelKerke 29 M 29:13.f 01:44.1 2:40:40
Jenkins Chris 41 M 29:55.f 01:45.1 2:41:25
Mark Lowe 36 M 27:36.f 01:43.2 2:44:13
Adam Pulford 45 M 29:13.f 01:46.4 2:46:32
Darryn Biggerstaff 37 M 27:36.f 01:46.2 2:46:53
Patrick Coady 38 M 30:50.f 01:49.3 2:47:10
Robert McFadzean 33 M 30:50.f 01:50.6 2:49:07
Dale Lembke 50 M 29:13.f 01:47.2 2:49:25
Mark Wisner 37 M 29:34.f 01:48.1 2:51:37
jack bissell 37 M 30:07.f 01:50.2 2:53:22
Ron Bollenberghe 44 M 29:34.f 01:49.5 2:53:32
Ned Harding 42 M 29:55.f 01:49.5 2:56:06
Thomas Ramsey 58 M 30:02.f 01:49.3 2:56:23
Kevin Keenan 54 M 27:36.f 01:49.5 2:57:01
Chuck Ankeny 49 M 33:24.f 01:53.5 2:59:14
Norman Alvis 47 M 24:00.f 01:49.3 2:59:38
Christopher Jones 43 M 31:56.f 01:58.6 3:00:54
Dan Knight 49 M 32:49.f 01:58.6 3:03:20
glenn clark 42 M 35:18.f 01:52.3 3:03:40
Dave Gillespie 43 M 30:07.f 01:53.5 3:06:37
Kevin Healy 55 M 30:28.f 01:54.4 3:08:23
Douglas Jansen 48 M 30:46.f 01:55.5 3:09:23
John Wedeking 40 M 32:15.f 01:58.3 3:09:28
David Rosenbaum 41 M 31:56.f 02:00.3 3:09:59
Peter Scovile 35 M 33:07.f 02:00.0 3:10:04
beth fisk 35 F 31:11.f 01:59.3 3:10:16
David Myer 49 M 32:36.f 02:01.2 3:11:08
Beverly Zimmermann 47 F 36:09.f 02:05.3 3:12:06
Fred Baxter 56 M 35:06.f 02:01.6 3:12:59
Lesley Butler 38 F 30:02.f 01:58.2 3:13:51
Mark McCafferty 50 M 33:24.f 02:03.6 3:14:13
Harvey Gould 46 M 33:24.f 02:00.4 3:14:49
Bennett Hug 43 M 32:36.f 01:58.2 3:15:30
Karen Delich 45 F 32:05.f 02:00.4 3:16:43
David Glover 39 M 30:46.f 02:02.3 3:16:43
jan silfverskiold 57 M 32:05.f 02:00.4 3:16:43
Randy Moschetti 58 M 34:08.f 02:06.2 3:17:10
Gordon Richardson 42 M 33:24.f 01:56.5 3:17:17
Bill Weakley 37 M 37:11.f 02:05.3 3:17:36
Andrew wacker 49 M 34:26.f 02:05.3 3:17:42
Colin Struthers 22 M 35:06.f 02:03.1 3:18:50
Ed Poremba 54 M 37:21.f 02:08.1 3:20:25
Michelle Blessing 47 F 34:08.f 02:06.2 3:22:00
Amy Bertsch 40 F 34:26.f 02:06.6 3:22:39
Jim Rolf 47 M 33:24.f 02:06.6 3:22:39
Guillermo Rojas 37 M 33:07.f 02:02.1 3:23:23
Evan Wedsworth 23 M 36:09.f 02:07.4 3:23:47
George Rooney 51 M 33:10.f 02:06.2 3:27:23
dave kraig 54 M 35:18.f 02:05.5 3:27:39
Mike Rosenthal 55 M 33:07.f 02:07.3 3:29:29
Jeffrey Larson 47 M 33:10.f 02:08.1 3:29:33
John Swartz 62 M 40:17.f 02:16.4 3:30:03
Wendy Jewsbury 56 F 36:51.f 02:11.3 3:31:39
Travis Stone 35 M 37:21.f 02:09.4 3:32:13
Robert Gaffney 42 M 32:20.f 02:11.0 3:32:50
Callum Shayer 18 M 40:17.f 02:09.1 3:33:05
Douglas Edmundson 41 M 39:40.f 02:17.1 3:33:42
Dennis Driscoll 55 M 36:43.f 02:15.3 3:34:41
Kristin Riley-Lazo 41 F 37:21.f 02:17.5 3:34:52
Bowman Dean 60 M NO 02:14.6 3:35:50
Kenneston Miller 48 M 36:01.f 02:08.4 3:36:22
Gregory Lindquist 27 M 36:56.f 02:08.4 3:36:38
Tim Beaudin 51 M 36:09.f 02:14.1 3:37:39
John Clarke 45 M 34:08.f 02:12.4 3:38:08
Don Hull 43 M 34:08.f 02:15.3 3:39:03
Acuff Russ 51 M 37:21.f 02:16.4 3:39:30
Terry Struthers 56 M 38:18.f 02:19.0 3:41:50
Dennis Saccher 45 M 34:26.f 02:15.3 3:43:33
Douglas Hoover 43 M 33:10.f 02:13.6 3:44:16
Mary Blomquist 40 F 36:56.f 02:19.0 3:45:18
Dave Thomson 59 M 34:37.f 02:16.4 3:46:52
Ben Loyall 45 M 37:58.f 02:15.3 3:46:58
Jim Stanec 31 M 35:18.f 02:14.6 3:47:18
Nick Sherwood 41 M 34:42.f 02:16.1 3:47:44
Daniel Oltrogge 48 M 35:18.f 02:16.1 3:49:19
Rob Roth 14 m 33:51.f 02:10.6 3:49:58
Austin Buckett 34 M 36:09.f 02:17.2 3:49:58
David Eye 51 M 35:18.f 02:17.5 3:50:52
Andrew Meyer 44 M 37:21.f 02:16.4 3:51:14
Debbie Beckwith 46 F 39:29.f 02:17.2 3:51:45
James Lane 50 M 35:50.f 02:26.5 3:52:37
Cramer Cathy 46 F 40:40.f 02:28.2 3:54:10
Greg Berger 48 M 38:07.f 02:21.2 3:54:20
KEITH JACKSON 37 M 36:56.f 02:24.2 3:54:45
chris blees 38 M 36:09.f 02:20.3 3:55:15
Andy Andreasen 42 M 34:37.f 02:19.3 3:56:29
Kristen Andreasen 31 F 34:37.f 02:20.1 3:56:29
Chris Woody 38 M 33:10.f 02:19.0 3:56:46
Darren Buck 42 M 35:06.f 02:19.0 3:58:30
jamie jordahl 36 M 37:21.f 02:26.4 3:58:30
Jennifer Finley 43 F 36:56.f 02:22.3 3:59:04
Tom Rathbun 46 M 35:06.f 02:23.0 3:59:53
Tim Figge 47 M 36:43.f 02:20.2 4:00:28
Tracy Earles 48 M 38:18.f 02:28.2 4:01:53
David Allen 47 M 38:18.f 02:22.3 4:02:49
bill dunston 46 M 34:37.f 02:14.3 4:03:18
Kristina Tocce 35 F 42:10.f 02:33.3 4:03:40
ERIC ALEXANDER 31 M 36:01.f 02:23.0 4:04:00
Don McNaul 43 M 37:21.f 02:19.0 4:04:04
Karl Hensler 23 M 34:26.f 02:11.6 4:04:24
Lester Busche 38 M 37:51.f 02:25.6 4:04:45
Patrick Naughton 56 M 38:18.f 02:25.6 4:05:02
T.S. Kelso 55 M 36:09.f 02:24.2 4:05:49
Bill Beckwith 48 M 39:29.f 02:29.1 4:05:54
Aaron Johnson 29 M 36:09.f 02:19.3 4:08:58
Charles Whelan 40 M 36:43.f 02:25.5 4:11:23
Judd Rohwer 37 M 41:29.f 02:34.4 4:11:26
Bryan Mahan 19 M 37:46.f 02:30.5 4:11:57
randy allen 61 M 42:10.f 02:31.0 4:12:03
Paul Trousil 48 M 39:05.f 02:25.3 4:12:03
Monica Dobbin 40 F 43:44.f 02:38.0 4:12:15
Paul Elliott 27 M 37:11.f 02:29.4 4:12:45
Mark Rau 43 M 36:56.f 02:20.5 4:12:57
Chuck Myers 43 M 42:10.f 02:33.2 4:13:01
Mike Kauspedas 28 M 42:39.f 02:24.2 4:14:01
Geoffrey Lindquist 29 M 38:18.f 02:26.1 4:14:32
Charlie Ayers 51 M 42:22.f 02:30.5 4:15:06
Curtis Lavoie 29 M 36:09.f 02:19.3 4:15:28
Peter Rondinone 47 M 36:43.f 02:28.3 4:15:28
TREVOR DOWNEY 40 M 36:09.f 02:23.0 4:15:38
Jay Alexander 47 M 39:23.f 02:31.0 4:19:50
Stockton Baker 53 M 42:10.f 02:37.2 4:21:07
Gary McKee 51 M 39:50.f 02:32.3 4:21:43
Abrams Mickey 54 F 45:18.f 02:43.5 4:21:43
Abrams Gene 55 M 37:21.f 02:39.5 4:21:43
Mike Nault 46 M 46:36.f 02:40.0 4:21:58
Dan Nolan 48 M 39:40.f 02:36.2 4:22:34
Caleb Kruse 18 M 45:41.f 03:00.3 4:23:00
Dominique Chavanon 52 M 38:56.f 02:40.5 4:23:10
max mahan 19 M 38:18.f 02:37.5 4:23:20
Michael Spencer 44 M 43:44.f 02:33.0 4:23:35
Farrel VanWagenen 46 M 51:16.f 02:42.5 4:23:45
Matthew Babiash 26 M 39:40.f 02:44.1 4:23:55
Kelly LeBlanc 45 F 44:33.f 02:47.0 4:24:01
John Rink 56 M 42:54.f 02:43.3 4:25:53
Eddie Baxter 56 M 47:12.f 02:45.5 4:26:30
James Sheffield 32 M 43:17.f 02:38.1 4:27:16
Erin Ewers 40 M 41:55.f 02:39.2 4:27:30
Benjamin Sanderse 25 M 39:50.f 02:29.1 4:27:30
John Bell 49 M NO 02:44.2 4:27:55
Steven Paul 51 M 40:17.f 02:39.5 4:28:34
Lisa Rainsberger 49 F 41:00.f 02:42.0 4:29:40
Allison Jones 26 F 37:11.f 02:29.4 4:30:14
jay Freeman 54 M 40:04.f 02:38.1 4:34:16
Ronald Leasure 55 M 42:10.f 02:42.5 4:36:08
David Spilsted 47 M 40:17.f 02:36.0 4:36:52
Randy Lindsey 57 M 43:44.f 02:47.4 4:37:58
Paul Santagata 33 M 40:17.f 02:40.0 4:38:42
Sara Richman 37 F 43:06.f 02:39.3 4:38:50
David Kosley 53 M 44:33.f 02:40.0 4:38:54
Gary Withrow 42 M 46:02.f 02:55.3 4:39:03
Jodi Peterson 49 F 43:37.f 02:46.3 4:39:23
Mike Jorgensen   M 41:00.f 02:47.1 4:39:36
Patrick Fisher 50 M 37:21.f 02:43.5 4:40:01
Mike Tierney 50 M 46:02.f 02:49.1 4:40:10
Andrew Palowitch 50 M 40:40.f 02:44.1 4:40:29
Mark McKenna 40 M 43:37.f 02:43.3 4:41:27
Ed Susman 51 M 42:10.f 02:46.0 4:44:31
Jurgen Leiser 69 M 45:03.f 02:55.1 4:46:23
Jack Swope 44 M 45:03.f 02:53.2 4:47:39
Frederick Collins 57 M 43:37.f 02:46.0 4:48:30
Frank Brown 54 M 41:10.f 02:38.4 4:49:18
Claro Palma 49 M 41:29.f 02:41.3 4:50:28
Rob Anderson 44 M 44:00.f 02:40.5 4:52:15
Ric Reifel 44 M 44:45.f 02:52.3 4:53:41
Michael Kultgen 49 M 41:10.f 03:00.1 4:53:47
Mary Crystal 53 F 42:10.f 02:52.1 4:54:48
Dave Stieber 55 M 49:03.f 03:05.5 4:55:55
Thomas Walton 50 M 42:10.f 02:41.4 4:55:59
Stan Gingrich 50 M 46:02.f 03:05.5 4:56:24
Mattheew Dunston 42 M 37:21.f 02:43.3 4:57:59
Jesse Ward 29 M 43:37.f 02:55.3 4:59:01
Patrick Murphy 61 M 46:58.f 02:52.5 4:59:51
Kathy Letner 58 F 44:45.f 03:03.1 4:59:58
Cassady Robert 44 M 44:06.f 02:57.3 5:01:55
Todd Johnson 41 M 48:21.f 03:10.4 5:02:25
david mcirvin 55 M 45:14.f 02:49.5 5:02:52
Nathan Blackwell 35 M 43:00.f 02:52.5 5:02:52
Kevin Miller 49 M 42:22.f 02:56.5 5:03:07
William Lucas 51 M 39:50.f 02:58.2 5:05:27
Norman Hampton 45 M 43:37.f 02:45.2 5:05:35
Kirstan Vandersluis 0 M 49:03.f 03:30.2 5:06:28
Gordon Casey 46 M 46:20.f 02:58.4 5:07:31
Gary Dean 57 M 46:20.f 03:03.1 5:07:58
Rayna Weiss 25 F 51:56.f 03:10.0 5:10:30
Cindy Dillon 44 F 48:21.f 03:10.0 5:12:12
Robert Taylor 64 M 48:01.f 03:05.0 5:12:57
Gurney Sloan 51 M 43:17.f 02:45.5 5:14:05
Lisa Sloan 48 F 41:10.f 02:43.3 5:14:05
steve wegert 54 M 44:06.f 03:07.2 5:18:32
Melissa Devolve 38 F 50:53.f 03:18.5 5:18:59
William Montie 68 M 50:53.f 03:18.2 5:18:59
Joshua Martinsons 41 M   1:56:59 5:21:01
Keith Grundy 56 M 50:20.f 03:16.5 5:21:30
Yvonne Carpenter 45 F 46:36.f 03:10.0 5:25:18
Chris John 54 M 44:51.f 03:22.1 5:26:10
john drosner 40 M 48:43.f 03:06.1 5:26:25
Charlie Stranko 54 M 42:54.f 03:10.6 5:26:30
Shane Johnson 36 M 47:24.f 03:32.5 5:29:36
Tom Mudd 52 M 44:51.f 02:51.4 5:30:33
sherry converse 47 F 47:12.f 03:12.3 5:34:14
David McHenry 52 M 45:29.f 03:14.0 5:36:20
Dwight Leski 47 M 49:03.f 03:03.1 5:38:04
Robin Cannello 38 F 53:48.f 03:10.0 5:38:08
Bryan Grundy 18 M 50:20.f NO 5:38:53
randy williams 54 M 48:43.f 03:10.2 5:39:00
Shane A. Lue 45 M 44:06.f 02:58.3 5:39:30
Keith Hoppe 44 M 48:21.f 03:25.1 5:40:16
Derrick Bourgeois 48 M 42:22.f 03:03.5 5:40:20
Robert Weiss 61 M 49:03.f 03:14.5 5:41:08
Mike Yushchenko 38 M 39:50.f 03:05.0 5:41:43
david kane 51 M 40:40.f 03:07.3 5:42:01
Brad Gibson 66 M 46:48.f 03:16.3 5:43:10
Scott Adams 53 M 51:04.f 03:22.4 5:43:20
George Davis 58 M 46:00.f 03:10.2 5:44:35
RICHARD DOBBIN 73 M 56:34.f 03:27.4 5:46:10
Ken Jaray 56 M 53:00.f 03:28.2 5:46:46
Kristen Adelman 40 F 48:43.f 03:06.1 5:46:56
Tim Lohr 22 M 53:00.f 03:28.4 5:47:52
Jim Fluharty-Cooper 54 M 43:06.f 03:05.1 5:50:02
Tom Warley 57 M 49:54.f 03:22.4 5:51:00
John Hartung 68 M 48:10.f 03:11.4 5:52:50
Steve Maury 47 M 41:55.f 03:11.4 5:52:50
john veautour 46 M 53:19.f 03:13.1 5:52:50
James Gilman 54 M 37:46.f 02:47.4 5:55:15
Kevin Greier 28 M 44:45.f 03:18.2 5:55:30
Michael Pachucki 26 M 45:41.f 03:14.5 5:55:30
Matthew Ruane 45 M 48:21.f 03:35.4 5:55:30
Tony Bricker 41 M 65:35.f 03:39.1 5:56:09
Donner David 45 M 44:33.f 03:24.1 5:57:40
Bill Kay 44 M 48:43.f 03:32.0 5:58:29
Erica Hart 25 F 46:48.f 03:10.3 6:08:40
Drew Wills 52 M 56:04.f 03:50.5 6:11:05
Jeanie Wills 52 F 55:59.f 03:50.5 6:11:17
john hart 58 M 48:10.f 03:21.1 6:11:17
James Charters 43 M 43:44.f 03:10.0 6:12:48
Brady Mercer 32 M 47:52.f 03:18.0 6:12:59
Mandy Mercer 33 F 49:26.f 03:33.3 6:12:59
Jack Rants 59 M 56:49.f 03:40.4 6:16:24
robert adams 37 M 49:13.f 03:40.4 6:18:47
David McMillan 51 M 51:32.f 03:32.5 6:23:48
Jeffrey Mulder 38 M 40:28.f 02:39.0 6:23:53
Mark Pirner 42 M 75:52.f 03:56.4 6:27:49
Kelly Sears 47 F 51:04.f 03:28.2 6:29:04
Rob Lucas 39 M NO 03:25.0 6:30:46
Herb Kuehn 57 M 52:05.f 03:54.3 6:37:28
Mark Noffsinger 58 M 46:58.f 03:36.5 6:41:29
Richard Moothart 36 M 49:03.f 03:36.0 6:44:37
Jim Marlow 59 M 55:11.f 04:08.5 7:02:34
Justin Hopson 39 M 77:02.f 03:57.2 7:04:50
Goodwin John   M 44:06.f 03:20.3 NO
Alejandro Ferrer 26 M 46:02.f 03:25.5 NO
Deborah Atkinson 50 F 56:49.f 04:19.5 NO
Garner John 37 M 51:04.f 03:36.0 NO
Myron Klingensmith 67 M 42:10.f NO NO
Kelli Scovile 36 F 42:39.f 02:55.0 NO
Ken Hanes 44 M 53:38.f NO NO
Michael Jenkins 59 M 67:29.f 05:21.0 NO
Eric Fetsch 58 M 36:56.f 02:20.1 NO
Brian Colvert 27 M 42:10.f 03:07.3 NO
Rush Carter 37 M 62:22.f 05:23.2 NO
Fred Coolidge 62 M 51:32.f 04:06.1 NO
Alexjandro Vieira 37 M NO 02:42.5 NO
James Bennett 37 M 66:42.f NO NO
Macee Alley 37 F 65:35.f 04:47.1 NO
P Been 41 M 37:21.f 02:55.1 NO
John Bidwell 67 M 30:33.f NO NO
Chuck Blakeman 56 M 44:06.f 02:32.3 NO
zachary christopher 33 M 49:13.f NO NO
Brian Cohen 47 M 36:43.f 02:35.5 NO
Sandra Coleman 56 F 63:04.f NO NO
Derrick Dobbin 44 M 43:44.f 02:38.0 NO
William Euerle 38 M 53:38.f 03:45.0 NO
Tom Evans 57 M 57:57.f NO NO
Thomas Gearhart 46 M 41:50.f 02:29.4 NO
James Hamric 40 M 43:17.f 03:58.2 NO
emily hollister 30 F 69:28.f 05:06.5 NO
Steve Johnson 60 M 48:01.f 04:03.0 NO
Peter Kelley 58 M 36:01.f 02:15.3 NO
Marc Kerman 46 M 42:22.f NO NO
Kevin Kilgore 56 M 32:49.f 02:00.4 NO
Edward King 53 M 49:13.f 4:02:10 NO
Les Knotts 52 M 44:51.f 04:01.5 NO
Kenneth Lebo 50 M 49:13.f NO NO
David McClain 58 M 53:19.f 04:46.0 NO
Hope Mullally 46 F 47:24.f 03:03.3 NO
Jon Rants 63 M 59:03.f 04:06.1 NO
dennis ryll 63 M 51:32.f NO NO
DONALD SCHAEFER 61 M 53:00.f 04:11.4 NO
dave thomas 51 M 39:15.f 02:39.2 NO
Arthur Thompson 49 M 77:30.f NO NO
Natasha Edmonds 28 F 59:15.f 04:26.5 NO
Steven White 40 M 56:15.f 04:20.2 NO
Ken Wickham 58 M 52:10.f 04:45.2 NO
Steve Shoemaker 71 M 31:51.f NO NO
Elaine Chavanon 55 F 48:21.f NO NO
Mark Fontana 65 M 63:04.f NO NO
Mike Foster 68 M 48:01.f NO NO
Joshua Kerson 41 M 28:03.f NO NO
Kelly McGrew 11 M 32:49.f 01:59.3 NO
Ralph Braden 64 M 70:32.f 04:58.4 NO
Ed Browne 56 M 49:26.f 03:51.4 NO
Dean Christofolis 45 M 57:30.f 04:11.4 NO
Beckie Large-Swope 44 F 77:30.f NO NO
Suzanne Thomas 46 F 48:43.f 03:51.0 NO
Jon Shogren 51 M 46:02.f 03:03.3  
* – used electric assist bicycle


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Assault on the Peak Photos

August 30th, 2010

Assault on the Peak

Yesterday was the 1st Annual Assault on the Peak. It was 24.5 miles with 7800 vertical feet of climbing up Pikes Peak. I’ll do a write up on it in the next couple days but for now, here are some photos. If you want to see more photos, I have larger albums of the ride up to Crystal Reservoir and of the ride above Crystal Reservoir.

See Assault on the Peak ride times here.


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Salomon X Alp Pro GTX Hiking Boots
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Ride the Divide Movie in Colorado Springs – One Night Only

August 26th, 2010

People debate about what is the toughest bike race. Is it the Race Across America for it’s sleep deprivation? Or is it the Tour de France because of the speeds? Or is it the 2,711 mile mountain bike race, Tour Divide, along the Continental Divide in the Rocky Mountains. The Tour Divide certainly is a serious contender for toughest bike race and as far as I know there’s no other mountain bike race that comes close.

Ride The Divide movie is an award-winning feature-length documentary that gives a glimpse into just how tough the Tour Divide really is. The movie was shot of the 2008 Tour Divide and was named the Best Adventure Film at this year’s Vail Film Festival. The movie is available on DVD or Blu-Ray.

Ride the Divide is being shown at select theaters around the country. Here in Colorado Springs we get our chance to see it on the big screen on Wednesday, September 15, at the Stargazers Theatre. It will be shown at 7:30 p.m. at the Stargazers Theatre located off Pikes Peak Avenue. Tickets are available in advance by calling Stargazers at 476-2200, at the box office most evenings and online. Tickets will also be available at the door while they last. Admission is $10.

Ride The Divide embraces the inspiring stories of three of the racers who experience the immense mountain beauty and small-town culture as they attempt to pedal from Banff, Canada, to a small, dusty crossing on the Mexican border. There’s Mike, a 40-year-old family man who uses this challenge to chart a new course in life; Matthew, a leader in extreme endurance racing who’s competing for his fifth time; and Mary, the first female rider to race this route. As they set out, they will attempt to accomplish what very few have been able to. Over the course of a few weeks, they’ll attempt to climb over 200,000 vertical feet along the backbone of the Rocky Mountains.

They’ll experience mental breakdowns, treacherous snow, hellacious blisters, and total fatigue. Above all, they’ll race with no support – at times in total isolation. The tests of endurance and the accomplished moments throughout Ride the Divide prompt us to reflect on our inner desires to live life to the fullest.


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Regular Price: $280.00
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Pikes Peak Assault This Coming Sunday

August 23rd, 2010

Update: I’ve posted Pikes Peak Assault photos.

The inaugural Assault on the Peak is this coming Sunday, August 29th. It’s a bike ride up the Pikes Peak highway. There have been some changes since I wrote about the ride in April.

Now instead of starting at the Pikes Peak highway toll gate in Cascade, the ride is going to start down in Manitou Springs at Memorial Park. This makes the ride 24.5 miles with over 7700 feet of climbing followed by descending that much!

Even though the ride has been lengthened, the price has been reduced. Instead of the originally announced price of $180, it is now $150. They’ve also added an option of riding to Glen Cove for $90.

The deadline to register online through BikeReg is Wednesday. You will also be able to register from 5:30 – 6:30 AM the morning of the ride.

Also along with the Pikes Peak ride, Peak Region is having a Bicycle Festival at the start/finish area. The bike Festival will start at 10 AM and run until 4 PM. The expo will be free with bike shops, frame builders, cycling apparel, etc.


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Adidas AX2 Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $135.00
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $219.95
Salomon X Alp Pro GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Pro GTX Hiking Boots
Regular Price: $280.00
$209.95 on sale

Dave Wiens’ Leadville 100 Bagel

August 21st, 2010

Dave Wiens Leadville 100 Bagel

Earlier this week a bagel was listed on eBay as being Dave Wiens’ bagel from the Leadville 100. He dropped it on the course and a fan picked it up. It’s a simple mini-bagel with PB&J made by his Olympic bronze medalist wife, Susan DeMattei.

It seemed like someone just being goofy but all the money from the auction is to go to the non-profit Gunnison Trails. As the week has gone on, it’s turned into something much bigger. Now Dave Wiens is giving the winner of the auction one of his big Leadville 100 belt buckles. Oakley has also stepped up and is throwing in a pair of Livestrong Radar Path Glasses.

Dave Wiens has confirmed all of this on his twitter account. There isn’t much time left on the eBay auction and it ends tomorrow morning, Sunday August 22nd, at 08:03 AM PDT.


Adidas AX2 Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Adidas AX2 Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $135.00
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $219.95
Salomon X Alp Pro GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Pro GTX Hiking Boots
Regular Price: $280.00
$209.95 on sale

Bike Ride to Kindergarten

August 20th, 2010

My kids started back to school this week. Their trip to school in the mornings isn’t nearly as exciting as this kid’s bike ride.


Adidas AX2 Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Adidas AX2 Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $135.00
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $219.95
Salomon X Alp Pro GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Pro GTX Hiking Boots
Regular Price: $280.00
$209.95 on sale

Leadville 100 Crash Update

August 20th, 2010

Last Saturday at the Leadville 100 just after the top of Sugarloaf at the top of the descent down Powerline, there was a bad crash. By the time I got there about a dozen riders were standing around a rider laying on the ground so I didn’t stop. I had the feeling the rider was seriously injured and later heard that a rider had been airlifted from there.

Someone posted an update from his wife on the Leadville 100 Yahoo group.

Gary was competing in the Leadville 100 mountain bike race. He was on the top of a mountain and hit a rock. He was thrown over the front of his bike. Another biker behind Gary crashed into him who was also injured.

Gary had amazing medical people helping him on the mountain to keep him safe. He was flown to St Anthony Central Hospital. He has a brain injury and 4 broken ribs and bruised lung. Gary is in the ICU unit. He is progressing fast. He can move his limbs, responds to voice commands. He knows his name, me and the girls. He sat up today and walked. Spoke a few sentences. He is fiesty which the nurses say is great. I am not sure how long we will be in the hospital. The goal is to get Gary back 100%.

Thank you for all your prayers and support! Please keep them coming. This will be a journey we need your help with. God has already put amazing people in place to help Gary. I will try to update the site daily.

If you’re interested in sending him some encouragement or continuing to get updates, he has a care page at the hospital. Click the become a member link and once you enter the information, you’ll be taken to Gary’s page.


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Adidas AX2 Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Adidas AX2 Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $135.00
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $219.95
Salomon X Alp Pro GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Pro GTX Hiking Boots
Regular Price: $280.00
$209.95 on sale

2010 Leadville 100 Photos

August 16th, 2010

UltraRob at 2010 Leadville 100

David from 303Cycling was at the bottom of Powerline outbound Saturday during the Leadville 100. He got the great shot above of me. He took over 1100 pictures and has them organized them by bib number. You can check out the rest of his great Leadville 100 photos here. You can purchase them for very reasonable prices.

Rob O’Dea is a pro photographer that was on a moto shooting photos. He has an album of the leaders posted. He expects to have photos of many of the other racers online by Wednesday at the latest. He takes incredible photos but in the past he’s been fairly pricey. I guess compared to the cost of doing the race, his photos aren’t that much.

I also posted a few Leadville 100 photos on Saturday.


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Adidas AX2 Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Adidas AX2 Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $135.00
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $219.95
Salomon X Alp Pro GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Pro GTX Hiking Boots
Regular Price: $280.00
$209.95 on sale

2010 Leadville 100

August 14th, 2010

Leadville 100 Start

Levi Leipheimer set a new course record for the Leadville 100 today. He finished in 6:16:37 to break Lance Armstrong’s record from last year of 6:28.

Official Results for Top 5 Overall :

1. Levi Leipheimer – 6:16:37.2
2. Jeremy Horgan-Kobelski – 6:25:21.4
3. Todd Wells – 6:30:31.1
4. Dave Wiens – 6:33:54.1
5. Jeremiah Bishop – 6:33:54.4

Complete Results

I had doubts that I was in good enough shape this year to make the 12 hour time cut-off but at the 30 mile mark I was on pace to be a little under 12 hours. A few miles later my asthma started flaring up. I kept going for a little ways but by mile 46 on the Columbine Mine climb it was painful for me to breathe even though I had stopped several times to use my inhaler. I ended turning back down the hill instead of going to the top.

Adidas AX2 Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Adidas AX2 Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $135.00
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $219.95
Salomon X Alp Pro GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Pro GTX Hiking Boots
Regular Price: $280.00
$209.95 on sale

Make Leadville 100 Prediction, Win T-Shirt

August 13th, 2010 T-Shirts

I’m up at Leadville today getting ready for the Leadville 100. Guess the winner and their finish time and if you pick the winner and are closest to their time you’ll win an t-shirt. Although Lance Armstrong has said he won’t race there’s plenty of other potential winners to pick from. Some of them are Dave Wiens, Jeremy Horgan-Kobelski, Levi Leipheimer, Matt Shriver, Jeremiah Bishop, Todd Wells and Alban Lakata and here’s the complete Leadville 100 entrant list.

You can also win a t-shirt for predicting at what mile I drop out or what my finish time is. Here are some hints on guessing my time. I weigh 50 lbs more than when I finished in 8:18 in 2003. I’m also even 20 lbs heavier than when I did 11:21 in 2008. I started training earlier this year than the 4th of July like I did 2 years ago but my fitness was really slow coming around.

To win a t-shirt, you must submit your guess by tomorrow’s 6:30 AM start time.


Adidas AX2 Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Adidas AX2 Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $135.00
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $219.95
Salomon X Alp Pro GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Pro GTX Hiking Boots
Regular Price: $280.00
$209.95 on sale


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