The Cost of Being Able to Breathe Well

January 19th, 2008

I’ve had trouble with allergies and asthma ever since I got mono when I was in college. The doctor I had then thought I just had a sinus infection and told me I could train and race. I did an 80 mile road race and couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t recover.

A few years ago my asthma and allergy doctor said I’d be a good candidate for a new medication called Xolair. I was already getting allergy shots, taking pills and using 5 inhalers. They said Xolair was really expensive but they thought it was likely they get my insurance to approve it. Somehow I didn’t feel right taking an expensive drug mainly so I could ride better.

A couple years later in June of 2005, I was doing one of the RMCC 400k brevets. We rode by a hay field that had just been mowed. I felt my lungs tighten. Just after that we went by another hay field where they were mowing. My breathing became worse.

I had made the critical mistake of forgetting my inhaler. I struggled through the last 80 miles of the ride. I ended up going to the ER after I finished because even sitting in a chair I had to think about every breath. My peak flow, which is a measure of how well you can exhale, was only 30% of predicted at the ER. Even when I feel I’m breathing well, I’m only 80% of what is predicted for non-athletes. Athletes are typically 120-130% of predicted.

After that I decided to find out more about Xolair. It was no longer about just riding better. It was about being able to breathe. A blood test is used to determine if your body produces too much IgE. The IgE level is used to determine the Xolair dose and insurance companies also use it to decide whether to cover it.

In my case, it was determined I needed one injection a month. My IgE level was high enough for my insurance to cover it. I only had to pay a $40 copay for a 3 month supply.

Since I’ve been taking Xolair, I have only had minor problems with my asthma. One of my big concerns about doing the Race Across America was that I’d have an asthma attack from some farmer mowing his hay field. I did have a little trouble breathing climbing out of the desert of Arizona but nothing too major. That was really the only time I had more than minor breathing problems during RAAM.

With my job change, it means new insurance. I had gotten a 3 month supply of Xolair not long before I quit so I hadn’t needed more. I need more for next month. Yesterday I got the news that the approved place to get Xolair charges $545 a shot. I have to pay a $1,000 deductible and then after that it’ll be $109 a shot. It’s not cheap but it’s better than not being able to breathe.

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Scarpa Zen Pro Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $159.94
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Price: $38.73
Adidas AX2 Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Adidas AX2 Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $135.00

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Stressed to the Max

March 30th, 2007

Once a month I get a Xolair shot for my allergy induced asthma. It’s just one of the many medications I’m on. I went in to get my shot this morning. I made the mistake of telling the nurse I was really stressed because of work. She decided she should take my blood pressure. When she was done, she didn’t tell me what it was but headed out the room and said she’d be back in a minute. She came back with the PA to have her double check that my blood pressure was as high as she got. It was. They said it wasn’t scary high but it was high and was especially high compared to my normal blood pressure. They’re concerned because having high blood pressure and being stressed will make it more likely I’ll have an asthma attack.

The PA said she could write a prescription for me to get out of work. Unfortunately our sick and vacation time is lumped together so that would just mean one less day for a vacation. If it was a really nice day, it might have been more tempting but the weather isn’t really that nice today.

Anyway taking a day off work isn’t going to fix my work. I’ve been frustrated for the last several months. Last week my boss dropped a giant bomb shell. It makes it worse because I’ve telling my boss that things weren’t working for me on the project and he almost always agrees with my suggestions to improve them but nothing ever changes. I can’t write about it here because I know people from work at least occasionally read my blog. Let’s just say I got a prescription for Ambien and it isn’t enough to keep me asleep at night. I slept just fine with it the night before Race Across America last year. Even the night before normal races, I don’t sleep very well so I know it will work for me except under extreme stress.

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Allergies and Asthma

July 26th, 2006

As I posted a couple days ago, I have hypothyroidism. Unfortunately that isn’t the only medical issue I have. I also have bad allergies and asthma. My asthma is mainly triggered by allergens but I also have a bit of exercise induced-asthma.

Of the 32 pollens in the standard prick test, there’s only 4 that I’m not allergic to. I’m off the scale for grass and sage brush. That’s why I put in my profile for Race Across America that I was worried that some farmer cutting his hay in Kansas would trigger an asthma attack. Last year while doing the RMCC 400k brevet, I went by a hay field where they were cutting hay and could feel my lungs shutting down. I struggled through the last 80 miles of the ride and ended up going to the ER after I finished. My peak flow, which is a measure of how well you can exhale, was only 30% of predicted at the ER. Even when I feel I’m breathing well, I’m only 80% of what is predicted for non-athletes. Athletes are typically 120-130% of predicted.

I take a lot of medication to keep me breathing reasonably well. I take Zyrtec, an anti-histamine, every night. I also take Singulair at night. Morning and evening, I take the inhalers Pulmicort and Serevent and the nasal spray Nasonex. Before exercise I use another 3 inhalers. They are albuterol, Atrovent, and Intal. I also get allergy shots once a week and a Xolair shot once a month. A couple of these require a therapeutic use exemption for use as an athlete. I don’t really expect to be tested with what I do but I’d rather have my form on file with USADA than risk it. I also had to provide RAAM with documentation before racing.

Every race I’ve done that has been at least 24 hours long, I’ve had trouble with asthma except for the Adirondack 540 last year. I think that was partly because it rained a lot the first day and night of the race and also because I changed how I took my medication. In long races my asthma doctor also has me periodically take the 3 inhalers I normally take just before exercise in addition to the medication I take once or twice a day. In the past I had tried taking as much of it at one time so I wouldn’t have to deal with taking medications too often. At the Adirondack 540, I decided to try spreading out my inhalers as much as possible. For example I normally take 3 puffs of Pulmicort twice a day but during the race I took 1 puff every 4 hours. Instead of taking the albuterol, Atrovent, and Intal at the same time, I spread them out. My thought was that at times I was low on protection from the medication and by spreading it out I’d be more evenly protected. I really do think it made a difference.

Based on those results, I came up with a medication plan for RAAM. In addition to all the medication I normally take, I got a pneumonia vaccine since people have dropped out of RAAM in the past because of it. It ended up taking Jure Robic out this year and it was thought that Kenny Souza was suffering from it when he stopped for over 7 hours in Durango. The only time I really had much trouble with breathing was on the climb into Prescott. I think what triggered it there was that because of the dryness of the desert I had blood draining out of my sinuses into my throat and it was irritating my air passages. I took albuterol, Atrovent and Intal and stopped for about 20 minutes and then improved enough to get back on the bike.

Scarpa Zen Pro Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Scarpa Zen Pro Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $159.94
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Price: $38.73
Adidas AX2 Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Adidas AX2 Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $135.00


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