Two guys are riding their bikes from Boston, MA to San Francisco, CA to raise money for Children’s Hunger Fund. As of June 14th they had raised $14,494.06. You can still donate to their great cause (no longer active).
They left Boston on June 14th. It looks like they’re in Nebraska now. You can keep track of their progress on their blog/tracker page (no longer active).
I received an e-mail from Angela, who is the girlfriend of one of the guys. She says that they don’t have many contacts on the western part of the route. They need places to crash at night even if it’s just a backyard. They also would like advice on their route.
Angela asked me about Colorado but I think they could use help farther west too. Unfortunately they’re going through the northwest part of Colorado where I don’t have any contacts. If you live along their route and would like to help, send me an e-mail and I’ll get you in contact with Angela.