What are the Tour de France Riders Really Riding?

July 20th, 2007

This is not a Specialized fork.
Photo ©: James Huang/Cyclingnews.com

Just because a bike or component has a company’s logo on it doesn’t mean that’s who made it. Over the years top pro riders have used custom bikes painted to look like bikes from the team bike sponsor. Lance Armstrong at times used a Litespeed painted to look like a Trek. There’s a good article on cyclingnews.com that details some of the customized bikes or re-labeled components at this year’s Tour de France.

Even when I was on the Schwinn/Grand West Outfitters mountain bike development team, we had bikes that weren’t what they appeared to be. When Schwinn came out with their Homegrown frame, they wanted us racing it but demand was greater than their production capacity. The had the .1 frame that had the same geometry but I believe was made in Taiwan instead of the US. It also was a different aluminum and the frame weighed slightly more than the Homegrown. The color was also different.

As I remember they shipped the frames unpainted to the US where they were painted like a Homegrown. When we got them the decals weren’t even on. We spent an evening at Grand West applying decals and building up the bikes. Some of us considered putting the decals on in unique ways but I think they all ended up where they were supposed to. I got asked several times at races how I liked my Homegrown.

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Lance Armstrong and Floyd Landis at Leadville

July 14th, 2007

Leadville 100 Mountain Bike Start
Update: he didn’t race in 2007 but Lance Armstrong has entered for 2008. In 2007 Landis finished 2nd.

As I posted a couple days ago, everything was pointing to Lance doing the Leadville 100 on August 11th. Yesterday Bicycling published an article that basically confirms it. I doubt Lance or Landis will be at the top form of the careers but it should still make for an interesting race. Hopefully it won’t make things too crazy for crews to get between aid stations.

Lance Armstrong Racing the Leadville 100

July 10th, 2007

Leadville 100 MTB Start

Update: Lance didn’t race in 2007 but did in 2008. See videos of Lance and Dave Wiens.

There’s no official word yet but everything points to Lance Armstrong racing the Leadville 100 mountain bike race on August 11th. In December he said he had a scheduling conflict and bailed on doing the race.

In April my doctor told me that a Leadville local had told him that Lance was doing the race on a new Trek bike. A little over a week ago he rode 45 miles of the Leadville 100 course with Chris Carmichael. From what I can tell, they started in Leadville and rode to the bottom of the Powerline or a little farther and then rode back.

Today someone posted to the Leadville 100 Yahoo group, that Lance was going to be here in Colorado Springs 2 days before the race for a charity event. I tracked down that he’ll doing a fundraiser for Kids on Bikes at the Broadmoor Hotel the evening of August 9th after doing 2 kid’s bike rides in the afternoon. The timing of the fundraiser here is perfect for him to be in Leadville for the race. We’re less than a 3 hour drive away from Leadville.

Floyd Landis still says he’s still racing the Leadville 100. Unless he’s in a lot better shape than he was at the Vail Teva Mountain games he won’t be a threat to Lance for the win. I have my doubts that Lance is in the kind of shape either to win over Dave Wiens but it seems we have a good chance at finding out.

Update: A Bicycling article says Lance is doing Leadville.

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Lance Rides Part of Leadville 100 Course

July 6th, 2007

Update: he didn’t race in 2007 but Lance Armstrong has entered for 2008.

On July 1st, Lance Armstrong rode 45 miles of the Leadville 100 mountain bike course with his long time coach, Chris Carmichael. Carmichael says that Lance is looking fit and riding well off-road.

Lance bailed on doing the race and claimed he had a scheduling conflict just after Floyd Landis said he was also doing the race. A couple months ago my doctor said that he had heard Lance was still doing the Leadville 100. Here’s what Carmichael had to say about it.

Of course, now that he’s ridden part of the course, everyone wants to know if he’s going to race the Leadville 100 Mountain Bike Race on August 11. I don’t know, yet. He liked what he saw and was impressed by how hard some of the climbs are, but his schedule is pretty packed. He originally had to cancel his plans to do Leadville because of a schedule conflict, and it remains to be seen whether he’d be able to squeeze it in somehow. I’ll keep you posted.

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Lance Armstrong Might Still Race Leadville 100

April 22nd, 2007
Leadville 100 MTB Start

Update: he didn’t race in 2007 but Lance Armstrong has entered for 2008.

In November Lance Armstrong said he was going to race the Leadville 100 Mountain Bike Race this year. Then in mid December Floyd Landis said he was also doing the Leadville 100. The end of December Lance claimed to have a scheduling conflict and wasn’t going to be able to race the Leadville 100.

When the entrant list for this year’s Leadville 100 Mountain Bike Race was released in February, neither Floyd nor Lance were on the list. Floyd has the Leadville 100 logo on his blog (no longer active). The April 16th VeloNews has an article about Floyd and it says he is still doing the Leadville 100.

Friday I went in to my doctor because my back was hurting from the SI join in my hip being locked up. He has a place in Leadville and goes up there quite a bit. The last time he was up there he was talking to his friend that lives there and is racing the Leadville 100 this year. His friend said that Lance is planning to race the Leadville 100 this year. Trek has some new bike that they want him to ride. My doctor didn’t know what bike it is and whether it’s one that’s already available.

I still think it would be really cool if both Floyd and Lance would race this year. There’s the issue of Floyd’s doping case and I haven’t been able to find anything anywhere else to confirm that Lance is planning to race. Also having two big names there could certainly impact the great atmosphere of the race.

Update: Lance didn’t race but Floyd Landis finished 2nd

Related Links: 2007 Leadville 100 Mountain Bike pictures | 2006 Leadville 100 Mountain Bike pictures | Views from the Top of Columbine Climb

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Lance Armstrong Wimps Out of Doing Leadville 100

December 29th, 2006

According to a VeloNews article, Lance Armstrong announced yesterday that he has a scheduling conflict and won’t be doing the Leadville 100. Go Clipless thinks he’s just afraid that Floyd Landis will beat him. I think he may be right.

Maybe he should give the Durango 100 a try instead and take on a real challenge. The record finish time at the Durango 100 is 9:11 and that was before they added even more vertical. They’ve been offering a $500 bonus to the first person to break 9 hours. I know $500 isn’t anything to Lance but proving he can go under 9 hours there should be.

Of course it’s still questionable whether Landis can do the race because of his doping problems from the 2006 Tour de France. As I’ve said before, I don’t think he was doping with testosterone. I think most of the pros are using something banned and maybe Landis is too. There’s enough strangeness about his positive testosterone test to believe that it was valid.

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Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
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Armstrong versus Landis Confirmed In Press Release

December 19th, 2006

A press release today confirms that Floyd Landis plans to race the Leadville 100 in 2007. It says that race directory Ken Chlouber invited him to do the race. I’m still not sure what will happen if his doping issues aren’t cleared up by then since it is a NORBA sanctioned race.

My money is on Floyd Landis winning the race but I’m sure this will make Lance train harder. See my previous post about Lance’s attempts at mountain biking in 1999 after his first Tour de France win. Although I don’t consider Leadville to be technical, handling skills will still be a small factor. Landis started his career as a mountain biker and made the switch to the road in 1998. Armstrong has done a few races off-road and has better skills than most roadies but he won’t be able to hang with Landis going down the Powerline or Columbine. Plus when was the last time Lance did something on his own? Even at the New York Marathon he had other runners to pace him.

Thanks to Biking Bis for tracking down the press release.

Floyd Landis to Race Leadville 100

December 18th, 2006

Steve Siguaw, who is the moderator for the Leadville 100 list and helps maintain the Leadville 100 website, just posted that not only is Lance Armstrong planning to do the Leadville 100 Mountain Bike Race but Floyd Landis is too! He said Merilee confirmed it for both Lance and Floyd. I’m not sure what impact Floyd’s doping problems will have since it is NORBA sanctioned.

As I posted when the Floyd’s positive test was first leaked, I think most of the top pros dope. I still find it strange though that he would get caught for testosterone since it’s well understood and has been used for doping for a long time. There also seems to have been a lot of sloppiness by the French lab.

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Scarpa Zen Pro Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $159.94

Leadville Chronicle has Article on Lance

November 30th, 2006

The Leadville Chronicle has an article about Lance Armstrong doing the Leadville 100 next year. In my post a couple days ago, I said I didn’t think Ken and Merilee would let him in just because he’s a celebrity. Based on Ken’s comments in the article, it sounds like I may have been wrong about that.

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Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
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Salomon X Alp Pro GTX Hiking Boots
Regular Price: $280.00
$209.95 on sale
Scarpa Zen Pro Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Scarpa Zen Pro Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $159.94

Buzz About Lance Doing the Leadville 100

November 27th, 2006

After Lance Armstrong ran the New York Marathon, he made mentioned being interested in doing the Leadville 100 Mountain Bike Race. There was some speculation on the LT100Bike Yahoo group but I don’t think very many thought he was serious. Bicycling has posted an article based on a question and answer session last week at the opening of his new Lance Armstrong 24 Hours Of Fitness in Austin, TX. It says that he has a bet with Chris Carmichael about doing it. There’s also an article on the Carmichael Training Systems website.

Before he can do the the Leadville 100, he’ll have to make the lottery. I doubt Ken and Merilee will just let him in for being a celebrity although they certainly give preferential treatment to volunteers and some others in the lottery. If he keeps talking about doing it, I’ll guess a lot more people will enter the lottery which will mean a reduced chance of getting in. If he really wants a challenge he should try the Durango 100 or Montezuma’s Revenge.

My first job out of college, I worked with a girl that thought Lance was the greatest. That was before he had cancer and I always told her how arrogant he was and I didn’t care that he could ride fast. She was dating Carmichael and probably could have figured out a way for me to meet him. She was to one of his birthday parties. Now she and Carmichael are married.

The only time I was close enough to talk to him I nearly made a complete fool of myself. It was in 1999 and I was finishing warming up for the Tipperary Creek MTB race near Winter Park. There was this guy in full Postal kit riding slow near the start finish area and messing with his shoes. He was in my way and wasn’t exactly riding a straight line. I just about said, “Why don’t you poser stay out of the way while you adjust your shoes.” Instead I just rode around him. Just after that I realized he was the real Lance.

There’s a pretty good creek crossing that is barely rideable when the water isn’t too high. That year the water was high. I think even if the creek bed had been smooth the current would have pushed anybody over that tried riding. My wife was standing there when Lance came through and he tried riding it. His bike got swept out from under him and he and the bike started going downstream. My wife had a camera but she wasn’t fast enough to get a picture. I was very disappointed that she didn’t. If I recall correctly, he finished 2nd in that race. I know he didn’t win.

He was training for the Mercury Tour the following weekend near Steamboat Springs. I’ve ridden the trails where the race was held. They are single track and a bit rocky but not what I’d call really technical. He crashed a couple times and dropped out. I think Dave Weins could beat him unless he’s mountain bike skills have improved and is really focused on training for it. A long mountain bike is really different than staying at a moderate intensity for most of a Tour stage and then going all out for the last 20 minutes for a mountain top finish. To do well in a mountain bike race you don’t have to have quite as much top end but you need to be able to sustain a really hard pace to the entire time.

Update: Lance wimped out of racing the Leadville 100.
See all my posts on the Leadville 100.

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