The Good, the Bad and the Memorable

September 3rd, 2009
Fall Camping

My family has always preferred fall camping to summer. Our favorite backcountry haunts and favorite trails are uncrowded and the weather is more predictable. We’ve had many nearly perfect camping trips through the years, but for some reason, it’s the ones that weren’t so perfect that stand out in our minds:

The time my boots caught on fire. It was Thanksgiving. It was really cold, so we built a campfire in a fire ring. I put my feet on a stone near the fire and after about 20 minutes, we smelled rubber burning. I backed away from the fire, and after a couple of hours, my boots had stopped smoking.

The time(s) the dog took the fire. We don’t always have a campfire, but if there’s a fire ring and wood available, we’ll build one for warmth, using small sticks and pine cones. Our irrepressible yellow Labrador retriever, Waldo, loved fire for a different reason – it was a collection of sticks. He would wait for the perfect moment to retrieve a flaming stick from the fire and then stand proudly, waving it like a sparkler.

The time the dog retrieved the bait (related to the previous incident.). I mentioned that Waldo was a retriever. We spent a long weekend fishing for brookies in a mountain stream, and each time we would throw a line into the water, Waldo would jump in and retrieve it.

The time we were surrounded by a herd of cows It’s not funny. We were hiking in a wilderness area where ranchers hold grazing permits, when we met a dozen unfriendly black cows that felt they deserved the right-of-way. We were on a narrow path with a raging stream on one side and a steep, rocky hillside on the other. We yielded by crawling up the hill and allowing the unfriendly group to pass.

The time we forgot the food It was OK. We didn’t forget the whiskey.

Deb Acord

Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $219.95
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Price: $268.44
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Price: $38.73

Old School Camping

August 31st, 2009

We hadn’t been camping for a while, so when my husband I headed out last weekend, we were a little rusty. Sure, we tested our headlamps at home but when the sun went down, we realized neither one would stay on unless we held them upside down (a minor inconvenience).

We ditched our old but reliable camp chairs for two new ones we picked up at a sidewalk sale last summer and had never used (and which broke as soon as we set them up and leaned back). We packed trail mix with unsalted almonds, and sorely missed the salt after a long, hot hike.

But we did a couple of things right – along with our GPS unit, our lightweight single-wall tent and state-of-the-art down sleeping bags, we packed our umbrellas, the small foldable kind, and we threw in our old Radio Shack transistor radio.

Yeah, that’s right – umbrellas and a radio – two decidedly old-school ways to make a great camping trip even better.

I learned the umbrella trick years ago when I interviewed Ray Jardine, who was a pioneer in ultra-light backpacking.

Jardine, a native of Colorado Springs, made a name for himself in the 1990s with his unconventional camping and hiking methods – he chose tennis shoes with the tongues cut out instead of hiking boots; a quilt instead of a sleeping bag, and rayon instead of Gore-Tex. And he always carried an umbrella. (He still preaches the lightweight way on his Web site.)

Ever since then, umbrellas have saved us from stinging hailstorms and blazing sun. Earlier this summer, when we were caught in a storm that threw quarter-sized hail at us, we opened our umbrellas, linked our arms and walked down the trail, our beagle trotting comfortably between us.

On our most recent trip, we set up camp in full sunlight. It would be perfect the next morning because the sun’s rays could warm it quicker, but it was hot in the afternoon. So we opened our umbrellas and relaxed in comfort. The only challenge? Keeping the beagle from hogging the shade.
Deb Acord

Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $219.95
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Price: $268.44
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Price: $38.73

Please Welcome Deb Acord

August 27th, 2009

Deb Acord
While I was training the Race Across America, a reporter from our local paper, The Gazette contacted me about doing a story on RAAM. The reporter was Deb Acord. I’d never met her but I had been enjoying reading her outdoor articles.

We met for coffee one day and she wrote an article on me racing RAAM. She also did a follow up article after RAAM. Unfortunately Deb fell victim to one of the many cuts at The Gazette.

I’ve mainly blogged about cycling and mountain biking because that’s what I do most. Just because I spend more time on my bike doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy other outdoor activities. I regularly hike the Manitou Incline, have done backpacking trips as long as 2 weeks and do hut ski trips.

I’ve been planning to write more hiking, camping and other outdoor posts but I always have more to write about cycling than I have time. I’m very happy to announce that Deb will now be writing outdoor posts here on

Please join me in welcoming Deb!

Deb Acord’s Bio

Deb Acord is an award-winning journalist and author based in the Pikes Peak region. Over the past 30 years, her work has been featured in the Colorado Springs Gazette, Rocky Mountain News and Colorado Springs Independent, as well as Hemispheres, Destinations West and Outdoors magazines.

She is the author of three books, “Happy Trails,” “Colorado Winter,” and “Biking Colorado’s Front Range” (Altitude Publishing), and was co-creator of the popular Out There section in the Colorado Springs Gazette, where she wrote exclusively about the Colorado outdoors.

She lives in Woodland Park, Colo. , where she writes from a home she shares with her husband, a musician; a beagle and two cats.

She writes about her life and the outdoors on her blog,

– Rob Lucas

Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $219.95
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Price: $268.44
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Price: $38.73

How to Sound Smart While Hiking

August 27th, 2009

Five words you should know to make you sound smart on a hike in the Rockies:

  1. Cairn. Small piles of rocks that serve as trail markers. These can be lifesavers, unless you’re on a rocky trail that’s essentially a collection of cairns. Note: If you see a cairn, leave it alone to guide the next guy.
  2. Talus. Loose rock that has fallen down a hillside. If you have to walk on it, proceed with caution. The operative word is “loose.”
  3. Giardia. A nasty parasite you can’t taste or see that lives in rivers, lakes, streams and even puddles. . We’ve all met a guy who swears he has drank water from mountain streams his whole life and never gotten sick. We’ve also all met another guy who got giardia and lost 30 pounds in a month from an unplanned “whole-body cleansing.”
  4. Scat. A nice way to say “bear poop” or any kind of poop (not human). Use it when you are trying to impress your fellow hikers. (“Yes, I see from the scat on the trail that a coyote has been here recently.”)
  5. Alpenglow. When the mountains turn pink at dusk or dawn. This is that “aaaaahhhh” moment we all love.

Deb Acord

Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $219.95
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Price: $268.44
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Price: $38.73

Smokey Bear Turns 65

August 25th, 2009

Smokey Bear is 65 years old this month, and to honor the beloved bruin, the Forest Service has hosted celebrations around the country (and spruced up its Web site,

The agency is proud of its mascot, claiming Smokey (and no, there’s no “The” in his name) has helped reduce the number of acres burned each year by wildfires from 22 million in 1944 to an average of seven million today.

So obviously, that message – “Only YOU can prevent forest fires,” has worked. Before the agency had Smokey Bear, it took a slightly less kind, less gentle approach.

“Death rides the forest when man is careless!” screamed one of the very first Forest Fire Prevention Campaign posters, featuring a grimacing skeletal creature on a rearing horse.

That image, in 1940, started a decade of forest fire-prevention ads that alternately appealed to both our senses of conservationism and nationalism in a time of war. “Our Carelessness – Their Secret Weapon,” with a cartoon of a leering Nazi was on a bookmark distributed in 1943.

“Careless Matches Aid the Axix,” warned another bookmark in 1943. Smokey made his appearance in 1944, and after the war ended, the Forest Service opted to spread its message a different way.

In 1948, a poster depicted the loveable bear on his knees with the message, “And please make people careful, amen.”

Deb Acord

Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $219.95
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Price: $268.44
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Price: $38.73

National Get Outdoors Day

June 12th, 2009

Cameron Cone near Colorado Springs
This Saturday, June 13th, is National Get Outdoors Day. It is a new annual event to encourage healthy, active outdoor fun. Participating partners will offer opportunities for American families to experience traditional and non-traditional types of outdoor activities.

There are activities at 62 locations across the country. There are lots of cool things to do. For example the Denver location has rock climbing walls, junior ranger camp, ropes obstacle Course and much more.

Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $219.95
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Price: $268.44
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Price: $38.73

Action Wipes and Special Gift Set Winner

April 6th, 2009

Congratulations to Nathaniel for winning the Action Wipes giveaway I announced on my Action Wipes review. Martha Van Inwegen threw in a special gift set on twitter yesterday. If you didn’t win, you can get 15% off Action Wipes with coupon code ultra.

Sounds like Nathaniel will get good use out of the Action Wipes. Below is the comment he used to enter.

I train everyday swimming, running, or biking with most days doing at least two workouts. In order to fit them all in I need to do one in the morning before work and then one after work. I also have a baby due real soon so my time allowed for showers and self cleaning will be drastically shortened to non existent. New baby = no sleep and not much time to train. Being able to use action wipes after I work out would really help me save on time and energy. Plus I won’t be getting all of those weird looks that I get now when I go into the office right after working out. I’ve heard many good things about them just haven’t had the chance to try them out yet. I’ve got plenty of baby wipes stocked up but those stink bad and leave your skin feeling gross.

Nathaniel just send me an email (on in right side bar or on About page) with your address.

Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $219.95
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Price: $268.44
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Price: $38.73

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Action Wipes Review and Chance to Win

March 31st, 2009

Action Wipes Were Much Needed at the 24 Hours of Moab
Update 4/5/09: Martha from Action Wipes wants to add some romance to the giveway (Details below). She is adding a special gift set for the winner so a big thanks to her.

Adventures in the outdoors are sure to leave you dirty and not smelling so fresh. I’ve done 2 week long backpacking trips so I’m quite tolerant of not being the cleanest. Still after a long, hard bike ride or other adventure, I hate the feeling of salt and other crud caked on my face.

Action Wipes PackageLast fall before the 24 Hours of Moab, Martha from Life Elements sent me some Action Wipes. I got them on a hot day and there was a strong smell of Eucalyptus so I had my doubts about them. I don’t like scents because I’m allergic to most of them and they trigger my asthma. Fortunately I’m not allergic to Eucalyptus.

I wasn’t racing this time but I was out on the course taking photos of the 24 Hours of Moab racers. During the early part of the race, there was a dust storm. As you can see from the photo above, I made good use of the Action Wipes. I’ve been using them since then including last week when I was mountain biking in Moab and sleeping in the back of my van.

I was concerned that I’d smell like the Eucalyptus and tea tree oils. Turns out I can barely smell them right after using an Action Wipe. They leave me feeling nice and clean and smelling much better. Even better they don’t use artificial scents that bother my allergies and asthma unlike most baby wipes.

Action Wipes feel almost like using a cloth but baby wipes feel slimy to me. Action Wipes are large and strong enough to wipe off most of my body if I’m not too disgusting. They are more convenient and feel better than using cold water and a cloth except that cold water can feel good on a hot day.

If you’re looking for a convenient way to clean up after your adventures, Action Wipes is your answer. Use coupon code ultra to receive 15% off your order of Action Wipes.

I’m giving away a 5 pack of Action Wipes this week. Tell me in the comments below why I should give them to you. Enter by this Sunday night (April 5th) and I’ll post a winner Monday morning. Good luck!

Action Wipes Likes

  • All natural and easy on skin
  • Come in a zip-lock bag for convenience
  • Large size
  • Can be washed and reused making them friendly on the environment

Action Wipes Dislikes

  • Dry out quickly in desert air
  • Cost more than baby wipes but then you get a much better wipe

Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $219.95
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Price: $268.44
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Price: $38.73

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Base Jumping Photos

March 24th, 2009

This morning I was driving in to Moab from were I spent the night along Kane Creek Road. There were a couple guys standing along the road looking up at the cliffs above them.

I stopped to see what was going on and noticed a parachute laying beside one of the guys. I asked him if he had base jumped. He said yes and that there was one more guy getting ready. I waited and got to see the guy jump. It was very cool! Here are some photos I snapped of him jumping.

Base Jumping Along Kane Creek Road Near Moab, UT

Base Jumping Along Kane Creek Road Near Moab, UT

Base Jumping Along Kane Creek Road Near Moab, UT

Base Jumping Along Kane Creek Road Near Moab, UT

Base Jumping Along Kane Creek Road Near Moab, UT

Base Jumping Along Kane Creek Road Near Moab, UT

Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $219.95
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Price: $268.44
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Price: $38.73

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