Current Outdoor and Cycling Deals

March 28th, 2013

Outdoor Gear

Spring is here and it’s time to get out and enjoy the great outdoors. Here are several current outdoor deals if you’re in need of some new gear.

Updated April 6th has a huge selection of outdoor gear including bikes and gear. Now through April 7th, you can get 20% off one full price item with code SAVE20.


REI Memebers save 20% on 1 Full-Price Item on plus 1 Item on REI-OUTLET with coupon code MEM2013. Not a member? It’s only $20 for lifetime membership and they target giving 10% of qualifying purchases back as a dividend each year.

Sierra Trading Post

Save an additional 15-25% during the Sierra Trading Post Spring Sale. They also have a couple coupon codes that are good through May 8th.

Tahoe Mountain Sports

Save 20% on up to 2 full priced items. Use promo code: New2 – Offer Expires 4/17, some restrictions apply.


CampSaver has an extra 20% off sale items in their Outlet with code OUTLET-20. In addition, Big Agnes, Granite Gear and Exped are on sale in their main store. Expires April 10th.

Fontana Sports

Take an additional 20% OFF all Snowboards, Snowboard Boots & Bindings (already reduced up to 40% off). Use Coupon Code: A20SNB

Jenson USA

Jenson USA is running their 3 Million Dollar Bike Sale. Get up to 58% off complete bikes. 74 models to chose from.


Take 20% off almost everything at Moosejaw. Shop spring styles from top brands like Marmot, Mountain Hardwear, Icebreaker, Lole and Prana (and tons more) all at 20% off. No code necessary. Free Shipping on All Orders $49+. Ends April 14th.


Get extra 20% off all items in their outlet for their last chair outlet event. Use the code: last chair to receive the discount. Ends today, March 28th.

They are also selling all of their Ski and Snowboard goods at major discounts, up to 50% off on many 2013 items in the main store. No code necessary for the main shop.


Get an additional 15% off already discounted items in their Outlet section with coupon code OUTLETDAYS. Ends April 1st.

TriVillage is offering 20% off over 600 items for triathlon, road cycling, and mountain biking with coupon code: DEALS20. If you want something that’s not included, you can use DEALS18 and save 18% on any other regularly priced items site wide! Also, TriVillage offers free shipping over $75 which just adds to the savings! Expires March 29th.

Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Price: $268.44
Scarpa Zen Pro Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Scarpa Zen Pro Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $159.94
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Price: $38.73

Extra 22% Off All KEEN and REI-Brand Gear

February 29th, 2012

Get an extra 22% OFF All KEEN and REI-Brand Gear in the REI Outlet for 2 days only, 2/29 & 3/1! Coupon Code: OUTSAVE22

Plus Free Shipping for Orders over $50.

Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Price: $268.44
Scarpa Zen Pro Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Scarpa Zen Pro Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $159.94
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Price: $38.73

Goodbye, Pinnacle

June 11th, 2010

REI Rock Climbing Pinacle

Several years ago, it was unusual for my family to go shopping at REI without all of us coming home with something new.  But the small climbing wall at the REI store at 1376 E. Woodmen Road called the Pinnacle changed all that. 

Our daughter loved that wall, which was her introduction to rock climbing and she would choose to wait in line for a turn at the wall over any purchase. 

Since then, the Pinnacle has served as a safe, free intro to climbing to hundreds, perhaps thousands, of young (and not so young) climbers.  Now, it’s being torn down as REI remodels. 

Say goodbye to the Pinnacle with a final climb from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.  For more information, call REI at 719-260-1455.

– Deb Acord


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