New Spinning Guiness World Record

December 6th, 2010

George Hood Spinning for Guinness World Record

I wrote a while back that George Hood was spinning on a spin bike to set a new Guinness World Record. Not only did he succeed in breaking the record but he smashed it! The previous record was 200 hours and George rode for 222 hours 22 minutes and 22 seconds.

Because of the rules, the spinning record seems to be more about surviving sleep deprivation and a sore butt than it is truly an athletic accomplishment. The rules don’t specify the resistance used, only the average speed that must be maintained. That means very light resistance can be used but the legs need to keep moving a fairly good speed.

From the details on George’s blog, you can see he wasn’t working all that hard since his average heart rate was only 77.9 beats per minute. Still it couldn’t have been easy with all the pedal revolutions and since his breaks couldn’t total more than 5 minutes for every hour of riding over the 9 plus days of riding. By my calculations, he would have turned the cranks nearly 15 thousand times.

George was riding to raise money for the Gunnar Hotchkin Memorial Fund. Gunnar Hotchkin was killed in Afghanistan.

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Another Spinning Guinness World Record Attempt

October 28th, 2010

Ryan Corey fell short in his attempt to set a new Guinness World Record in spinning a couple weeks ago. Last Saturday George Hood, former record holder, starting his attempt to reclaim the record. The current record is 200 hours and was set back in March of this year by Frank Trtschka of Germany.

George is riding at Urban Tri Gear in a Chicago subarub. He will need to continue riding until November 1st to set a new record. His attempt is a fundraising event on behalf of the Gunnar Hotchkin Memorial Fund for a local soldier killed in Afghanistan.

George is the only athlete in the world to have set this particular record repeatedly and as always, will be done in accordance with Guinness World Record rules. They include, but are certainly not limited to, a 5 minute break or “rest” for every hour completed on the bike. This time may be accumulated and used throughout the ride as necessary. During any given break, George will be off the bike for the duration of the break, which usually averages about 15 minutes or so.

Like with Ryan’s attempt there is online streaming video of the attempt. The clock you see continues to run during the break and as with any marathon, it is the total time at the end of the ride that will be certified. You can text George during the ride at 630-415-6222 or email him at or chat with him on U Stream.

Donations for the cause may be made on line at by simply clicking on the “donate” tab at the top of the page, which will direct you to the Pay Pal site dedicated to the Gunnar Hotchkin Memorial Fund.

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World Spinning Record Attempt Falls Short

October 15th, 2010

Ryan Correy fell short in his attempt to break the Guinness spinning world record. His crew left a comment on his streaming video early Wednesday morning that said “Well folks….it’s done. Ryan has hit the mental point of no return.” Ryan hasn’t given any details but he did post on Facebook that he is recovering with his family. (Update: Ryan was having hallucinations and was unable to snap out of his final hallucination.)

That would have put him just short of 7 days (officially 6 days, 20 hours) of non-stop spinning. That is about a day and a half short of the 200 hour record. It still is an amazing feat! The longest I’ve ridden my trainer is 6 hours and that was plenty long.

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Ryan Correy Attempting to Break World Spinning Record

October 6th, 2010

Ryan Correy

Today 2008 RAAM finisher, Ryan Correy, is starting his attempt to break the Guinness World Record for continuous indoor spinning. He had planned to start Monday but postponed it a couple days because of being sick.

Good Luck to Ryan! I like doing long rides outside but the longest I’ve ridden inside is 7 hours and that was more than enough.

There is a camera set up and you can see it online. He is also planning to post some updates on twitter.

Here’s a short interview with him about the attempt.

UltraRob: What motivated you to attempt the record?

Ryan: I’m always looking for ways to turn my passion for cycling into my purpose in life. After finishing the Race Across America in 2008, I came across a news piece on George Hood and his bid to reclaim his spinning world record.

The parameters of the attempt are very similar in a lot of respects, minus the fact that you’re not going anywhere, at about the same speed.

Ultimately, what led me to me to this point is that I believe that I can do it, simple enough.

UltraRob:What are the rules for an official Guinness World Record attempt?

Ryan: The rules for the record attempt are:

  • Must cover (not maintain) 12 mph
  • Only allowed 5 minutes off the bike for every hour on. This time can be saved for longer breaks.
  • Must be completed on a spin bike, not a regular bike on rollers
  • 2 witnesses have to be present at all times as well as a 24 hour camera
  • The resistance can be whatever I want, but of course, this can present certain challenges

UltraRob: What’s the current record?

Ryan: The current record is 200 hours by Frank Trtschka of Germany. George Hood, a previous record holder from the U.S. will probably be making another attempt after me.

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Correction and More on Spinning Record

December 17th, 2007

The article I found on Saturday had that John “Blue Dog” Jurczynski and Mike “Mad Dog” Gallagher had ridden 112 hours. John replied to my post on the ultracycling list to let me know it was actually 113 hours.

I had said I could imagine doing the Race Across America but I couldn’t imagine spending 4.5 days spinning in one spot. John replied spinning 113 hours was much easier than doing RAAM. He said, “It is like a slumber party on wheels.”

Some more articles:

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New Spinning Record Set at 113 Hours!

December 15th, 2007

John “Blue Dog” Jurczynski and Mike “Mad Dog” Gallagher have set a new spinning record of 113 hours! Jurczynski said Thursday was a hard night for him but as they got close to the record he felt good. Near the end Gallagher said he felt like he could go for another 10 hours.

The Guinness rules allow a 5 minute break every hour and the time can be saved up for a few hours to give enough time for a nap. That makes for a total of 2 hours a day off the bike which means some serious sleep deprivation over 4 days.

They both deserve big congratulations on breaking a tough record. Although it was physically tough, it had to be even tougher mentally.

I always feel like I’m working much harder on a trainer than I do when I’m riding outside. I once did 5 hours on a trainer and even that was tough mentally. I’ve thought of riding for 24 hours at the local 24 Hour Fitness as a fundraiser to raise money to attempt the Race Across America again. Even that seems pretty brutal. There’s an easier way for you to help me raise money to do RAAM again.

Update: The first article I found incorrectly had that John and Mike had ridden for 112 hours instead of 113 hours.

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Spinning Record Update

December 14th, 2007

I haven’t been able to find much this week on John “Blue Dog” Jurczynski and Mike “Mad Dog” Gallagher attempt to break the Guinness spinning record. I did find an article written on Tuesday from the local Laconia paper. According to that article, they were still trying to get enough people to satisfy Guinness’ witness requirements.

They need to ride until 8:17 PM EST tonight to break the record. They have said they want to break it by a good margin but won’t reveal by how much until the match the record. The Laconia Athletic & Swim Club have posted some pictures of Cycle Mania 2007 that show John and Mike riding. Hopefully they’re still riding and will keep going for a little longer. Although I can see riding that much out on the road, I really don’t think I could do it on a spin bike.

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Spinning Again for a Guinness World Record

December 10th, 2007

Last January George Hood rode an indoor bike for 85 straight hours in an attempt to set a new Guinness World Record. It seems that his record keeping wasn’t good enough for it to be recognized by Guinness. He raised some money for an Illinois police group so it wasn’t totally wasted effort.

The week after George’s ride, John Jurczynski was planning to ride for 50 hours to raise money for the American Diabetes Association while he was training for the Race Across America. He decided to try going longer than 85 hours. He ended up doing 87 hours. Since he decided to go for the record at the last minute, John wasn’t even sure what the rules were and figured it would be unofficial and it was.

In April Pete Masie and Wendy Gardiner both rode for 96 hours, 4 minutes and 8 seconds during training for RAAM as a 2 person team. I’m not sure if their ride was ever recognized by Guinness.

George Hood didn’t let his defeat in January get him down and in July he rode for 111 hours, 11 minutes and 11 seconds. His goal was to ride long enough that the record would be his for a long time.

John JurczynskiJohn “Blue Dog” Jurczynski finished RAAM solo last year and now he wants the Guinness World Record to be his officially. Along with Mike “Mad Dog” Gallagher, John started riding at 5 AM this morning at the Laconia Athletic & Swim Club as part of LASC’s 5th annual Cycle Mania fund raiser for needy children in New Hampshire. There will be relay teams riding along with John and Mike. Check out John’s website for more information and links to a couple promotional videos. Hopefully there will be some updates throughout the next few days.

Update: New record set at 113 hours!

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87 Hours On an Indoor Bike

January 19th, 2007

Last Saturday night George Hood finished riding an indoor bike for 85 hours straight to set a new Guinness World Record. Actually the elapsed time was a little longer because the rules allow for 5 minutes off the bike for every hour ridden. He was riding to raise money for Illinois COPS.

On Monday John Jurczynski started riding for a planned 50 hours to raise money for the American Diabetes Association. John is training for solo RAAM this year. In December he had done 50 hours to raise money for his local Children’s Santa Fund. When he heard of the new record, he decided to see if he could break it. Soon after midnight this morning, he made it to over 87 hours with an elapsed time of 89 hours. That means that in over 3.5 days he was only off the bike for about 2 hours! Since he decided to go for the record at the last minute it may end up being unofficial because he wasn’t sure what was required to get into the Guinness World Records Book. One thing that Biking Bis mentions is that the whole time has to be videotaped.

In 2004 while training for the Race Across Oregon, I did a training camp with the race directors and 2 others where we rode the 535 miles in 4 days. One of the other riders was Italian Alessandro Colo. Over New Years he had done a massive spinning session that was a little under 200 hours as I recall. Over New Years of 2005, he did another spinning session that was 201 hours and was reported by CyclingNews. Alessandro’s English was rather broken so it was a little hard to carry on a conversation with him but I talked to him a fair amount over the 4 days. One of the nights we shared a room. As I recall he took some short naps during his record attempt in 2004. That would be possible with the rules if he saved up his 5 minutes per hour for several hours and then took them at one time. Biking Bis says Alessandro’s record isn’t in the 2007 Guinness Book of World Records but I thought he was trying to get it in. He used to have some English pages on his website but now it seems to all be in Italian. Babel Fish didn’t help me very much.

Update 12/15/07: John “Blue Dog” Jurczynski and Mike “Mad Dog” Gallagher have pushed the Guinness spinning record to 113 hours!

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