Need a Giant Last Minute Christmas Tree?

December 23rd, 2007

View of Pikes Peak from Work

My new job is going well. There’s one thing though that I’d like improved. My view could be so much better. The top picture is the view from where I sit at my desk. The 2nd picture is the view if I move a few feet.

The tree outside the window would make a great Christmas tree and then my view of Pikes Peak wouldn’t be blocked. If you could use it, I can give you directions. It does look good from outside so I’m guessing the property management wouldn’t be happy if it disappeared.

Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Asolo TPS 520 GV Evo Hiking Boots
Price: $268.44
Scarpa Zen Pro Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Scarpa Zen Pro Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $159.94
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Price: $38.73

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Happy Easter

April 8th, 2007

I hope you all had a happy Easter. Today I spent some time with family which was good. I also spent time setting up a different laptop for work after something got corrupted earlier this week. I couldn’t get it figured out and the IT guy spent a while on it too. The good news is I can still access all my data but Windows won’t work right. I’m stressed enough about work and really didn’t need computer problems.

Even besides the laptop, I had a crazy week. Julie, my wife, was out of town for the first 4 days for her cousin’s funeral. She took Cassidy, our 2 1/2 year old, but I had Danielle, our 4 year old. The day Julie came back, I came down with a cold. I’m feeling mostly over it now.

Framing New GarageWe’ve had freezing drizzle and snow since Friday. Friday I had to chip thick ice off my windshield when I left work. Yesterday a couple guys came over and helped frame part of our new garage. It wasn’t very nice to be outside working. Today it snowed off and on. It’s still cloudy and cold but the snow has stopped. Tomorrow it’s supposed to be nearly 60 degrees so hopefully I’ll get a lunch time ride in.

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Stressed to the Max

March 30th, 2007

Once a month I get a Xolair shot for my allergy induced asthma. It’s just one of the many medications I’m on. I went in to get my shot this morning. I made the mistake of telling the nurse I was really stressed because of work. She decided she should take my blood pressure. When she was done, she didn’t tell me what it was but headed out the room and said she’d be back in a minute. She came back with the PA to have her double check that my blood pressure was as high as she got. It was. They said it wasn’t scary high but it was high and was especially high compared to my normal blood pressure. They’re concerned because having high blood pressure and being stressed will make it more likely I’ll have an asthma attack.

The PA said she could write a prescription for me to get out of work. Unfortunately our sick and vacation time is lumped together so that would just mean one less day for a vacation. If it was a really nice day, it might have been more tempting but the weather isn’t really that nice today.

Anyway taking a day off work isn’t going to fix my work. I’ve been frustrated for the last several months. Last week my boss dropped a giant bomb shell. It makes it worse because I’ve telling my boss that things weren’t working for me on the project and he almost always agrees with my suggestions to improve them but nothing ever changes. I can’t write about it here because I know people from work at least occasionally read my blog. Let’s just say I got a prescription for Ambien and it isn’t enough to keep me asleep at night. I slept just fine with it the night before Race Across America last year. Even the night before normal races, I don’t sleep very well so I know it will work for me except under extreme stress.

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