I hope you all had a happy Easter. Today I spent some time with family which was good. I also spent time setting up a different laptop for work after something got corrupted earlier this week. I couldn’t get it figured out and the IT guy spent a while on it too. The good news is I can still access all my data but Windows won’t work right. I’m stressed enough about work and really didn’t need computer problems.
Even besides the laptop, I had a crazy week. Julie, my wife, was out of town for the first 4 days for her cousin’s funeral. She took Cassidy, our 2 1/2 year old, but I had Danielle, our 4 year old. The day Julie came back, I came down with a cold. I’m feeling mostly over it now.
We’ve had freezing drizzle and snow since Friday. Friday I had to chip thick ice off my windshield when I left work. Yesterday a couple guys came over and helped frame part of our new garage. It wasn’t very nice to be outside working. Today it snowed off and on. It’s still cloudy and cold but the snow has stopped. Tomorrow it’s supposed to be nearly 60 degrees so hopefully I’ll get a lunch time ride in.