Alaska Trip 2007 Picture Album

Pictures from our trip to Alaska June 26th through July 5th, 2007. We flew into Anchorage where my sister lives. We then visited Seward, Homer, Talkeetna, Denali National Park and areas around Anchorage.

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Flying to Anchorage.  About 20 minutes away from Anchorage
Flying to Anchorage. About 20 minutes away from Anchorage

Flying to Anchorage.  About 20 minutes away from Anchorage.
Flying to Anchorage. About 20 minutes away from Anchorage.

Flying to Anchorage.  About 20 minutes away from Anchorage.
Flying to Anchorage. About 20 minutes away from Anchorage.

Flying to Anchorage.  About 20 minutes away from Anchorage.
Flying to Anchorage. About 20 minutes away from Anchorage.

Coming into Anchorage
Coming into Anchorage

Looking Toward Portage from Turnagin Arm
Looking Toward Portage from Turnagin Arm

Mountains Along Turnagain Arm
Mountains Along Turnagain Arm

Mountains Along Turnagain Arm
Mountains Along Turnagain Arm

Mountains Along Turnagain Arm
Mountains Along Turnagain Arm

Moose Along Seward Highway Near End of Turnagain Arm
Moose Along Seward Highway Near End of Turnagain Arm

Moose Along Seward Highway Near End of Turnagain Arm
Moose Along Seward Highway Near End of Turnagain Arm

Moose Along Seward Highway Near End of Turnagain Arm
Moose Along Seward Highway Near End of Turnagain Arm

Moose Along Seward Highway Near End of Turnagain Arm
Moose Along Seward Highway Near End of Turnagain Arm

Mountains Near Portage
Mountains Near Portage

Mountains Near Portage
Mountains Near Portage

Resurrection Bay Near Seward
Resurrection Bay Near Seward

Resurrection Bay Near Seward
Resurrection Bay Near Seward

Resurrection Bay Near Seward
Resurrection Bay Near Seward

Resurrection Bay Near Seward
Resurrection Bay Near Seward

Resurrection Bay Near Seward
Resurrection Bay Near Seward

Rental RV at Miller's Landing.  We reserved a smaller, older model but this is what they had when we got there and they didn't charge extra.
Rental RV at Miller's Landing. We reserved a smaller, older model but this is what they had when we got there and they didn't charge extra.

The loft in the RV where the kids slept.
The loft in the RV where the kids slept.

Fridge and Freezer in RV
Fridge and Freezer in RV

The Garage on the back of the RV
The Garage on the back of the RV

Another View of the Garage in the RV
Another View of the Garage in the RV

The water view spots at Miller's Landing.  We liked being in the woods better.
The water view spots at Miller's Landing. We liked being in the woods better.

The kids were very interested in the fish that had been caught.
The kids were very interested in the fish that had been caught.

Town of Seward
Town of Seward

Resurection Bay from Miller's Landing
Resurection Bay from Miller's Landing

Resurection Bay from Miller's Landing
Resurection Bay from Miller's Landing

Kids Playing on the Beach at Miller's Landing
Kids Playing on the Beach at Miller's Landing

Kids on the Beach at Miller's Landing
Kids on the Beach at Miller's Landing

Sea Gull and Resurection Bay
Sea Gull and Resurection Bay

Kids on the Beach at Miller's Landing
Kids on the Beach at Miller's Landing

Map of Iditarod Route
Map of Iditarod Route

Sled Dog Kennels at <a href=''>Ididaride Sled Dog Tours</a>
Sled Dog Kennels at Ididaride Sled Dog Tours

Sled Dogs all Exited to be Going for a Run
Sled Dogs all Exited to be Going for a Run

The Sled Dogs Take off With One of the Carts
The Sled Dogs Take off With One of the Carts

Cassidy Holding a 2 Week Old Sled Dog Puppy
Cassidy Holding a 2 Week Old Sled Dog Puppy

Danielle Holding a Two Week Old Sled Dog Puppy.
Danielle Holding a Two Week Old Sled Dog Puppy.

Danielle and Cassidy with 2 Week Old Sled Dog Puppy
Danielle and Cassidy with 2 Week Old Sled Dog Puppy

The Older Sled Dog Puppies Thought Danielle Made a Good Chew Toy.
The Older Sled Dog Puppies Thought Danielle Made a Good Chew Toy.

Danielle With One of the Lead Dogs When Mitch Seavey Won Iditarod.
Danielle With One of the Lead Dogs When Mitch Seavey Won Iditarod.

One of the Sleds for the Ididarod.
One of the Sleds for the Ididarod.

Sled Dogs Waiting Impatiently While We Stopped for a Few Minutes
Sled Dogs Waiting Impatiently While We Stopped for a Few Minutes

Another Dog Team Pulling Up to Where We Took a Break for a Few Minutes
Another Dog Team Pulling Up to Where We Took a Break for a Few Minutes

Getting Ready to Go Again.  We Got the Front Seats Because of the Kids.
Getting Ready to Go Again. We Got the Front Seats Because of the Kids.

Mountain and Reflection in Lake Along Seward Highway
Mountain and Reflection in Lake Along Seward Highway

Mountains and Reflection in Lake Along Seward Highway
Mountains and Reflection in Lake Along Seward Highway

Mountains and Reflection in Lake Along Seward Highway
Mountains and Reflection in Lake Along Seward Highway

Mountains and Reflection in Lake Along Seward Highway
Mountains and Reflection in Lake Along Seward Highway

Kenai River
Kenai River

Kenai River
Kenai River

Bald Eagle Nest
Bald Eagle Nest

Danielle Trying the Cold Water of the Kenai River.
Danielle Trying the Cold Water of the Kenai River.

Kenai River
Kenai River

Kenai River
Kenai River

Danielle on the Kenai River.
Danielle on the Kenai River.

Snack While Rafting the Kneai River
Snack While Rafting the Kneai River

Danielle Lying Down in the Raft
Danielle Lying Down in the Raft

Julie and Cassidy While Rafting the Kenai River
Julie and Cassidy While Rafting the Kenai River

Combat Fishing Zone at the Confluence of the Russian and Kenai Rivers.
Combat Fishing Zone at the Confluence of the Russian and Kenai Rivers.

Sea Gulls Hanging out Where the Fish Carcasses Wash Up.
Sea Gulls Hanging out Where the Fish Carcasses Wash Up.

Wild Flowers Along the Kenai River
Wild Flowers Along the Kenai River

Wild Flowers Along the Kenai River
Wild Flowers Along the Kenai River

Kenai River
Kenai River

Rafting the Kenai River
Rafting the Kenai River

Bald Eagle Along the Kenai River
Bald Eagle Along the Kenai River

Bald Eagles Along the Kenai River
Bald Eagles Along the Kenai River

Bald Eagle Along the Kenai River
Bald Eagle Along the Kenai River

Rafting the Kenai River
Rafting the Kenai River

Kenai River
Kenai River

Rafting Put Danielle to Sleep
Rafting Put Danielle to Sleep

Sign About Mountains Along the Kenai Peninsula
Sign About Mountains Along the Kenai Peninsula

Mt. Redoubt
Mt. Redoubt

Mt ILiamna
Mt ILiamna

Moose and Calf Along the Kenai Peninsula
Moose and Calf Along the Kenai Peninsula

Mt. ILiamna
Mt. ILiamna

Homer Spit and Mountains
Homer Spit and Mountains

Mountains Near Homer
Mountains Near Homer

Mountains and Kachemak Bay Near Homer
Mountains and Kachemak Bay Near Homer

Kachemak Bay and Mountains Near Homer
Kachemak Bay and Mountains Near Homer

Kachemak Bay and Mountains Near Homer
Kachemak Bay and Mountains Near Homer

Kachemak Bay and Mountains Near Homer
Kachemak Bay and Mountains Near Homer

Kachemak Bay and Mountains from End of Homer Spit
Kachemak Bay and Mountains from End of Homer Spit

Kachamak Bay and Mountains from End of Homer Spit
Kachamak Bay and Mountains from End of Homer Spit

Kachemak Bay and I Believe Mt Augustine
Kachemak Bay and I Believe Mt Augustine

Kachemak Bay and Mountains from Homer
Kachemak Bay and Mountains from Homer

Beach Along Kachemak Bay and Mountains
Beach Along Kachemak Bay and Mountains

Kachemak Bay and Mountains
Kachemak Bay and Mountains

Kachemak Bay and Mountains
Kachemak Bay and Mountains

Beach and Mountains Along Kachemak Bay
Beach and Mountains Along Kachemak Bay

Kachemak Bay and Mountains
Kachemak Bay and Mountains

Cassidy on the Beach
Cassidy on the Beach

Cassidy on the Beach
Cassidy on the Beach

Danielle Along Kachemak Bay
Danielle Along Kachemak Bay

Danielle and Cassidy Playing in Kachemak Bay
Danielle and Cassidy Playing in Kachemak Bay

Danielle and Cassidy Playing Kachemak Bay
Danielle and Cassidy Playing Kachemak Bay

Mt ILiamna
Mt ILiamna

Mt Redoubt
Mt Redoubt

Mt. Redoubt
Mt. Redoubt

Mt ILiamna and Mt Redoubt
Mt ILiamna and Mt Redoubt

Mt Redoubt
Mt Redoubt

Mt ILiamna
Mt ILiamna

Russian Orthodox Church and Mt ILiamna
Russian Orthodox Church and Mt ILiamna

Danielle and Mt ILiamna
Danielle and Mt ILiamna

Cassidy Taking a Picture of Danielle and Mt ILiamna
Cassidy Taking a Picture of Danielle and Mt ILiamna

Kenai Lake
Kenai Lake

Along Seward Highway Looking Toward Turnagain Arm
Along Seward Highway Looking Toward Turnagain Arm

Elk at the <a href=''>Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center</a>
Elk at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center

Musk Ox at the <a href=''>Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center</a>
Musk Ox at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center

Brown Bear at the <a href=''>Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center</a>
Brown Bear at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center

Buffalo at the <a href=''>Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center</a>
Buffalo at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center

Buffalo at the <a href=''>Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center</a>
Buffalo at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center

Moose at the <a href=''>Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center</a>
Moose at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center

Owl at the <a href=''>Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center</a>
Owl at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center

Cassidy at the <a href=''>Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center</a>
Cassidy at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center

Cassidy at the <a href=''>Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center</a>
Cassidy at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center

Brown Bears at the <a href=''>Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center</a>.  The one sitting is playing with a tennis ball.
Brown Bears at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center. The one sitting is playing with a tennis ball.

Cabin from the Old Townsite of Portage that was Destroyed by the 1964 Earthquake
Cabin from the Old Townsite of Portage that was Destroyed by the 1964 Earthquake

Barb, Julie and Cassidy Getting on the Flag Stop Train from Talkeetna to Hurricane
Barb, Julie and Cassidy Getting on the Flag Stop Train from Talkeetna to Hurricane

Barb, Danielle and Cassidy on the Flag Stop Train
Barb, Danielle and Cassidy on the Flag Stop Train

Danielle Blowing the Whistle on the Flag Stop Train
Danielle Blowing the Whistle on the Flag Stop Train

Bridge Over Hurricane Gulch
Bridge Over Hurricane Gulch

Looking Down 292 Feet From the Hurricane Gulch Bridge
Looking Down 292 Feet From the Hurricane Gulch Bridge

Looking Down 292 Feet from the Hurricane Gulch Bridge
Looking Down 292 Feet from the Hurricane Gulch Bridge

Looking Down 292 Feet from the Hurricane Gulch Bridge.  They stopped the train and the conductor opened the door for those that wanted to look down.
Looking Down 292 Feet from the Hurricane Gulch Bridge. They stopped the train and the conductor opened the door for those that wanted to look down.

Sitting on the Siding at Hurricane as the Fancy Tourist Train Went By
Sitting on the Siding at Hurricane as the Fancy Tourist Train Went By

View During Ride on the Talkeetna Flag Stop Train
View During Ride on the Talkeetna Flag Stop Train

Cassidy Blowing the Whistle on the Talkeetna Flag Stop Train.
Cassidy Blowing the Whistle on the Talkeetna Flag Stop Train.

Train Bridge
Train Bridge

Susitna River
Susitna River

Danielle Looking Out the Front of the Train
Danielle Looking Out the Front of the Train

Julie and Cassidy at the Front of the Train
Julie and Cassidy at the Front of the Train

Curry Train Stop
Curry Train Stop

Denali While Driving the Parks Highway.  This is the best view that we got of Denali this trip.
Denali While Driving the Parks Highway. This is the best view that we got of Denali this trip.

Wolf in Denali National Park
Wolf in Denali National Park

Wolf in Denali National Park
Wolf in Denali National Park

Teklanika River in Denali National Park
Teklanika River in Denali National Park

View of the Hills in Denali National Park
View of the Hills in Denali National Park

Dall Sheep High Up on the Hillside
Dall Sheep High Up on the Hillside

Danielle and Cassidy at the Top of Polychrome Pass in Denali National Park
Danielle and Cassidy at the Top of Polychrome Pass in Denali National Park

View from the Top of Polychrome Pass in Denali National Park
View from the Top of Polychrome Pass in Denali National Park

Danielle and Cassidy Playing with Horns at the Toklat River Visitor Center
Danielle and Cassidy Playing with Horns at the Toklat River Visitor Center

Wolf in Denali National Park
Wolf in Denali National Park

Caribou in Denali National Park
Caribou in Denali National Park

Caribou in Denali National Park
Caribou in Denali National Park

Danielle and Cassidy Were Fascinated with the Salmon Fishing at Willow Creek
Danielle and Cassidy Were Fascinated with the Salmon Fishing at Willow Creek

Salmon at Willow Creek
Salmon at Willow Creek

Watching Salmon Fishing at Willow Creek
Watching Salmon Fishing at Willow Creek

Danielle Said this was Just Right for Me but It Couldn't Hold Me Up
Danielle Said this was Just Right for Me but It Couldn't Hold Me Up

Moose and Calf Near My Sister's House
Moose and Calf Near My Sister's House

Moose Calf in Anchorage
Moose Calf in Anchorage

Danielle Feeding Rudolf at the Reindeer Farm
Danielle Feeding Rudolf at the Reindeer Farm

Barb Holding Cassidy at the Reindeer Farm
Barb Holding Cassidy at the Reindeer Farm

Reindeer Have Feet that Spread Out so They Can Walk on Snow
Reindeer Have Feet that Spread Out so They Can Walk on Snow

Reindeer Calf
Reindeer Calf

Reindeer with Mountains Near Knik Glacier
Reindeer with Mountains Near Knik Glacier

Reindeer at the Reindeer Farm
Reindeer at the Reindeer Farm

Cassidy Wanting the Reindeer to Leave Her Alone
Cassidy Wanting the Reindeer to Leave Her Alone

Looking Toward Knik Glacier from the Reindeer Farm
Looking Toward Knik Glacier from the Reindeer Farm

Barb Feeding an Elk at the Reindeer Farm
Barb Feeding an Elk at the Reindeer Farm

Air Boat Used by <a href=''>Hunter Creek Adventures</a> to Get to Knik Glacier
Air Boat Used by Hunter Creek Adventures to Get to Knik Glacier

Barb and Cassidy on the Air Boat
Barb and Cassidy on the Air Boat

Heading Up the River to the Knik Glacier
Heading Up the River to the Knik Glacier

Near the Iceburgs in the Lake in Front of the Glacier.  Just 7 years ago the Knik Glacier ended here but has receded 3 miles.
Near the Iceburgs in the Lake in Front of the Glacier. Just 7 years ago the Knik Glacier ended here but has receded 3 miles.

Knik Glacier
Knik Glacier

Iceburg from the Knik Glacier
Iceburg from the Knik Glacier

Knik Glacier
Knik Glacier

The Air Boat and Knik Glacier
The Air Boat and Knik Glacier

Danielle and Cassidy Climbing on the Terminal Moraine
Danielle and Cassidy Climbing on the Terminal Moraine

Knik Glacier
Knik Glacier

Julie and Danielle Sitting on the Terminal Moraine
Julie and Danielle Sitting on the Terminal Moraine

Our Whole Family Sitting on the Terminal Moraine
Our Whole Family Sitting on the Terminal Moraine

Fireweed with Knik Glacier
Fireweed with Knik Glacier

Knik Glacier
Knik Glacier

Knik Glaicer
Knik Glaicer

Knik Glacier
Knik Glacier

Julie, Cassidy and Barb on Terminal Moraine
Julie, Cassidy and Barb on Terminal Moraine

Knik Glacier
Knik Glacier

Knik Glacier
Knik Glacier

Air boat and Iceburgs
Air boat and Iceburgs


Fourth of July Parade in Anchorage.  Danielle thought Aunt Barb's Christmas head band looked like fireworks.
Fourth of July Parade in Anchorage. Danielle thought Aunt Barb's Christmas head band looked like fireworks.

Danielle and Cassidy with Flowers in Downtown Anchorage
Danielle and Cassidy with Flowers in Downtown Anchorage

Flowers in Downtown Anchorage
Flowers in Downtown Anchorage

Flowers in Downtown Anchorage
Flowers in Downtown Anchorage

Flowers in Downtown Anchorage
Flowers in Downtown Anchorage

Danielle and Cassidy at Fountain in Downtown Anchorage
Danielle and Cassidy at Fountain in Downtown Anchorage

Danielle and Cassidy with Barb's dog Tisha
Danielle and Cassidy with Barb's dog Tisha

Danielle and Cassidy playing at Aunt Barb's House
Danielle and Cassidy playing at Aunt Barb's House


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