Often referred to as the bible for Appalachian Trail hiking and essential for A.T. hiking and planning, the thirty fourth edition includes all the details in the Trail's new length: 2, 184.2 miles!. . . . Condenses into 96 pages all the important waypoints from the series of 11 official A.T. guidebooks. A lightweight table of distances between major Appalachian Trail shelters, road crossings, and features. Shelters, campsites, water sources, road crossings, supply sources, off trail lodging, eateries, and post offices are all easy to spot in listings. Mileage information is keyed to both the official A.T. maps and to guidebook sections in a state by state, at a glance format includes elevations for major landmarks. Divided according to the guidebook volumes and updated each December to account for relocations, new or moved shelters, and other changes. Compiled for the last 29 years by Daniel D. Chazin. 2012 edition. 96 pages paperback 5 x 7 in.. Published by Appalachian Trail Conservancy.