Boeshield T 9 Drip Lube 4oz.. Formulated by aerospace giant Boeing to be the ultimate metal protectantlubricant, Boeshield T 9 Drip Lube works wonders when applied to the cycling world. T 9's unique formulation of solvents and waxes was engineered to penetrate metal crevices deeply, displace moisture, dissolve minor corrosion, and leave a clean, waxy coating with long lasting durability making it perfect for a bike's drivetrain, cables, caliper pivots, and spoke nipples. T 9 flushes out dirt and old lubricants, displaces moisture and penetrates moving parts in between the rollers and pins on chains, carrying the paraffin formula deep into these areas and coating them thoroughly. T 9 dries to a clean, continuous wax film that performs better than Teflon and lasts up to 200 miles without picking up dust, dirt or mud. No matter if you ride in wet conditions, dry conditions, or in dirt, T 9 does it all to clean, lubricate, and protect.