MSR has you covered with the Child Resistant Fuel Bottle Cap. Small items are easily lost and require easy, safe replacements, and this one fits all MSR fuel canisters. PRODUCT FEATURES: Made in the USA Child Resistant 29133 , msr Child Resistant Fuel Bottle Cap , Child Resistant Fuel Bottle Cap msr , msr Child Resistant Fuel Cap , Child Resistant fuel Cap msr , msr fuel cap , msr fuel lid , msr fuel bottle cap , msr bottle cap , msr child resistant fuel lid , s15 , mountain safety research Child Resistant Fuel Bottle Cap , Child Resistant Fuel Bottle Cap mountain safety research , mountain safety research Child Resistant Fuel Cap , Child Resistant fuel Cap mountain safety research , mountain safety research fuel cap , mountain safety research fuel lid , mountain safety research fuel bottle cap , mountain safety research bottle cap , mountain safety research child resistant fuel lid , child resistant fuel bottle cap , child resistant fuel bottle lid , fuel bottle lid , fuel bottle cap , fuel lid , fuel cap