A unique assembly of 51 carefully selected items. The soft, flexible case includes clear plastic dust covers and tie strings to ensure a dirt and dust resistant kit. The Coghlan's Pack III First Aid Kit measures 4 12 x 7 38 x 1 11.4 x 18.7 x 2.5 cm and weighs 6 oz. 180 g. Contains: 1 First Aid Guide 10 Adhesive Bandages 38 x 1 12 10 Adhesive Bandages 34 x 3 2 Adhesive Bandages 2 x 4 2 Knuckle Bandages 6 4 Adhesive Strips 3 Gauze Pads 3 x 3 2 Gauze Pads 2 x 2 1 Eye Pad 3 Alcohol Pads 3 Antiseptic Pads 2 Ammonia Inhalants 1 Scissors 1 Moleskin 3 x 4 3 Travel Towels 1 2 38 Steel Needle