Unlike many other guidebooks, Exploring Sun Valley shows all of the routes on a particular map page. This provides users with a better understanding of how trails link together. The trail title box includes important mileage and difficulty info. The Highlight and Info section offers readers a quick overview of the hike. The detailed route description that follow are both accurate and succinct, giving readers a better understanding of the landscape. The mountains around Sun Valley are surprisingly friendly when it comes to off trail travel, and there are seemingly limitless opportunities to explore the canyons and peaks. The book includes descriptions for many off trail routes that will hopefully inspire hikers to get out and explore the vast expanse of mountains in central Idaho.The guidebook also includes a thorough overview of the regional history as it relates to trail development and recreation in the valley. Covering the period of early Wood River Mining to modern day trail development, this also provides a useful perspective on the recreations history of the valley.