When Giro looked to up its aero game, it didn't just paste new stickers onto its Advantage helmet. It looked at the data and redesigned it to create the Giro Selector. This helmet is now a standard in the professional peloton and should be a part of your aero kit as well. Giro used wind tunnel testing to sculpt a shape that works with your position on the bike to lessen the drag coefficient. On the front end, you'll notice the eye shield. Not only does this minimize tear inducing wind in your eyes, it also smooths the leading surface so that the air moves over it faster. An added benefit is that the shield also acts to block out excess wind noise. Two vents help direct the air through the helmet and out the back vents to cool your head. For those who prefer sunglasses, however, the shield is removable. On the other end, the tail of the Selector helmet is closed on the underside and comes in two lengths, 10mm and 45mm. Each is designed to work with your body position and the choice depends on how low your shoulders and arms are. The helmet should sit low and close to your back when you are in an aero position. To secure the Selector, Giro uses the Roc Loc TT system. Different from the older Roc Loc 5 system, the TT uses a spring leaf system to apply even tension to the front and back of your head in order to secure the helmet. The body of the helmet is an EPS injected molded liner with the Giro SL Roll Cage system and a polycarbonate shell.