The Gregory Border 35L Bag is a sleek pack for work and travel. A 17 laptop Fits right behind the backpanel, providing a safe and padded home as you move from place to place, plus the panel opens into a full butterfly, allowing you to completely lay it flat at airport security checkpoints. Never fear, there is a padded section for your tablet or e reader as well. The main compartment Fits the larger gear you need to carry, whether that be extra shoes, lunch or a hoody. With plenty of organization, you'll always know where everything else, unless you forget where you put it. Features of the Gregory Border 35L Bag TSA compatible laptoptablet panel for easy security scan Interior organizer pockets Multiple grab handles for overhead or underseat convenience Back panel integrates with both the Wide Handle System and conventional handle luggage Fits 17in. laptop with TSASecurity friendly panel Quick access, padded tablet sleeve Large front stretch pocket for quick access Liquid toiletries pocket for easy inout Side zippered security pocket Top organizer pocket Easy packing main compArent with zippered divider Zippered mesh pocket for clothing organization