The B Side series design begins at the rocker line, which is set at a 2.6 inch Blended 3a Stage. The B Side carries more speed into the wake than ever before. This series also features a shallower, ABS polymer molded in fin that ends nearly an inch from the tip of the board for a buttery smooth release off the wake and maximum durability on sliders. The elevated footbed reinforces the fore body of the deck to maintain a solid rocker line off the wake, but also allows for a thinned out tip and tail creating minimum swing weight and great control on rails. This series is truly a freeride masterpiece. Shaped by Butch Blended 3 Stage Rocker Biolite 3 Core Molded In ABS Fins Elevated Footbed Layered Glass Shaped Center Landing zone Monocoque Construction M6 Inserts Fins: 2 .7 A WING