Hyperlite CoEx Wakesurf Board 2011: The 2011 Hyperlite CoEx Wakesurf Board is Hyperlite’s smallest performer that has a stomp pad and a concave for more board control. Whether a rider is coming out of a bottom turn or snapping off the wake for a front side air, Hyperlite CoEx Wakesurf Board is built for performance. The Hyperlite CoEx Wakesurf Board features a rolled edge that starts softer and thicker at the tip. This gives the rider more of a surfy feel. Toward the tail the edge rolls to a sharper traditional wake rail for added response. Even with its small stature the Hyperlite CoEx can still be surfed by bigger riders because it sits higher in the water than most other decks. Brian Grubb, Erik Ruck, and Scott Byerly designed the 2011 Hyperlite CoEx Wakesurf Board with wakeskate maneuverability.