Most commuter briefcases look like a combination of an old Soviet track suit and a beat up touring pannier. We took the novel approach of first designing a fully professional briefcase with a padded internal lap top sleeve, an interior pocket for priority files, and enough extra space to hold a 4 stack of papers. The exterior of the bag has a full length pocket that easily holds legal pads and two smaller pockets for all the necessities of daily life. The Business Pannier mounts horizontally so your files stay intact and not mixed and mashed by the time you get to work. The suspension zips off and can be left on the bike or slipped into the rear sleeve of the bag. no pannier hooks stabbing you in the leg. The Business Pannier is extremely stable with back and bottom HDPE frame sheets and 14 crosslinked roam on three sides for load protection and weight distribution. To keep the road grime off your bag, we recommend the heat sealled rain cover with 3M Scotchlite Reflective Material.