Jamiea TMs Half Cap construction maximizes torsional control and power under foot while maintaining flexibility and deflection at the tips and tails. The old school camber flat between feet camber adds a little more power, pop, energy and stability to the tip and tail. Clean, efficient a oepopsicle sticka geometries, solid construction, and no Magne Traction, make this a no bullshit power performer for aggressive riders. Directional Twin Pure Power Freestyle Jamie's Streamlined Geometries Empower Progression and Aggression Original Power Construction Light, EnvironMENTALLY Nice, Strong Core: AspenColumbian Gold Glass: BasaltTri AxBi Ax Fiber Top: Eco Sub PBT Base: TNT Birch Internal Sidewalls UHMW Sintered Sidewalls UHMW TipTail Impact Deflection Rider Level: IntermediateAdvanced Flex: MediumFirm TT Special Contour PowerControl