Whoever said less is more clearly had never been on a mountain bike. On dirt, a few curves and a lot of squish have become hugely desirable traits, and ones we anticipate seeing a whole lot more of in coming years. Of course, you can't fully benefit from your pudgy, fun loving new set of donuts if you try to wrap them over too narrow rims that make them feel sloppy, so invest in the Mercury X3 Enduro 29in Boost Wheelset to give them the expansive partners they deserve. Made out of a lightweight, durable alloy, the X3 Enduro makes a worthy upgrade for the stock hoops you've been meaning to replace, and it won't blow your entire trail travel fund for the summer. While alloy isn't as stiff as carbon, the improved spoke bracing angle of Boost axles conspires to reduce flex while dancing up climbs and cleaning jarring lines. With a 29mm internal width, the X3 will welcome your plump new tires with open arms onto a plush platform that maintains trail dexterity while it softens your ride. Though any enduro beast stands to gain plushness wider tires and rims deliver, slacked out hardtail 29ers just might stand to benefit most from added squish in the front and back.