With the creation of the BRD by Metolius, we have achieved a simple, safe and bombproof belayrappel device. The principle behind the BRD is very simple: as the load of a falling climber is applied, the carabiner is pulled into the scientifically engineered rope slots and the rope is squeezed between the carabiner and the BRD. The result is that a tremendous amount of friction is generated, allowing the belayer to easily catch long, hard falls with relatively light hand pressure. For rappelling, the BRD will give you a relatively slow and controlled and we feel safer rappel. If the rappel is moving too slowly, you can re orient the device for a speedier descent. Features of the Metolius BRD Belay Rappel Device A versatile, lightweight belayrappel device with engineered rope slots that give the belayer added control by increasing friction on the rope Single or double rope compatible 8 mm to 11 mm ropes Increased thermal mass and cooling fins to dissipate heat Anodized for longer wear CNC machined from 6061 T 6 aluminum Available with or without the Element locking carabiner Meets the new UIAA standard for rope braking devices