Whether you're on a strict training plan or let your active time outdoors take on a more organic form, summertime sweat sessions take their toll on your body. Working hard in the heat saps you of valuable nutrients and electrolytes, and if you don't replenish them, you risk day after day of not feeling your best. Rather than reaching for a soda or a sugary sports drink as soon as you finish a workout, take a few extra seconds to let a Nuun Active tablet dissolve into an ice cold glass of water the wait will be well worth it. Nuun uses a refreshingly simple blend of plant based sweeteners and non GMO dextrose to give Active its subtly sweet taste while keeping the sugar content below one gram without the use of gluten, dairy, or soy. The elixir also contains sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, all of which work to help your muscles rebuild and your body rehydrate in a balanced way, helping you avoid middle of the night muscle cramps and all out lethargy after a few miles under the hot sun.