If you're looking to equip yourself with fundamental storage andor waterproof sacks for all manner of adventures, the Backpackers Kit gives you three storage options in one convenient package. Choose between the Dry Down or Dry Synthetic kits to protect weather sensitive insulation. Choose wisely, grasshopper. Includes 10L Airpurge Dry Compression Sack, 10L UltraLight Dry Sack, and Mesh Ditty Sack Airpurge Dry Compression Sack 10L: 21 189 x 7 55cm x 18cm 610 in179 4.5 oz 130 g UltraLight Dry Sack 10L: 17 18 x 7 43cm x 18cm 610in179 1.4 oz 40 g Mesh Ditty Sack M: 11 188 x 4 190 29cm x 12cm 244in179 4L 1.0 oz 30 g