There are softshells and hardshells, and then there's the Outdoor Research Women's Skyward Jacket a soft hardshell suitable for skinning up steep, backcountry terrain and skiing down said steeps in deep snow. Outdoor Research's lightweight and thin three layer AscentShell construction assures reliable waterproofing for snowy conditions, and it provides outstanding breathability that's air permeable to keep you comfortably cool when you work up a sweat. A jacket this breathable might lead you to believe that it actually isn't that waterproof, but Outdoor Research taped the jacket's seams to prevent a single snowflake from seeping through. Just in case the fabric's air permeable nature isn't enough for you, the Skyward's long, hem to underarm, TorsoFlo ventilation system assures ample airflow. The hood adjusts over beanies on the skinner, and it slides over helmets with ease. In case your skins freeze, the internal Shove It pockets warm them up on the ride down for the next hike up.