The Patagonia Men's R1 Lite Yulex Long Sleeve Top eliminates the harmful impact of traditional wetsuits by replacing neoprene with Yulex natural rubber. This bio based rubber maintains the same warmth and high performance capabilities of neoprene, but without the petroleum and harmful chemicals required for neoprene production. It's 1. 5 millimeters thick, making it a great addition for cutting the chill of breezy conditions and early mornings. Patagonia claims Yulex rubber reduces their wetsuit CO2 emissions by a whopping 80% over standard neoprene based wetsuits. For greater insight into Yulex natural rubber, it's sourced from a Forest Stewardship Council FSC certified rubber plantation in the highlands of Guatemala. This gives Patagonia total oversight over the production process, maintaining the highest degree of environmental and social responsibility all without deforesting sensitive ecosystems like many rubber plantations.