RAD Roller. Every muscle. Every locked up knot. Every pain in the neck, back or body. Relieved. That is the beauty of the RAD Roller. It's easy to use, portable, and is designed to closely replicate the touch of a trained massage therapist. All bodily movement begins at the spine and then moves outward to your extremities. So essentially, even if your back doesn't hurt, pain elsewhere in your body may very well originate from the spine. That means if you want to move comfortably, you best be pampering that neck and back. The RAD Roller is designed to create functional point release all along your spine without putting painful pressure on the spine itself. Plus, this innovative tool can roll lengthwise and across essentially every muscle group in the body, breaking through restrictions in three dimensions as it goes. It's perfect for calves, hip joints, IT bands, glutes, arms, feet, under the shoulder, and deep tissue in the neck and back. And when used regularly, the RAD Roller can create effective, long lasting results by improving posture and making muscles more supple. The RAD Roller is available in three different densities: Soft, Regular, and Stiff. The Soft RAD roller offers a more gentle touch, making it perfect for beginners. Its slightly cushier texture also makes it ideal for massaging your neck, scalp and more delicate areas of the body. The Regular RAD Roller features a texture soft enough to use on more sensitive areas like your neck yet it's hard enough to unlock tougher muscles like your back, legs, and everywhere else you're ready to roll. Finally, the Stiff version is ideal for athletes and others looking for a little more intensity. It has a harder texture and bends less in the middle so you can turn it sideways and work areas like your pectorals chest and inner leg. And to take your RAD Roller session a step further, use it in conjunction with the RAD Block item RR BLK for additional leverage and stability.