Hooking into a twenty pound steelhead, a big old bonefish, or a rainbow that just sipped a mouse like it was a green drake has a way of making even the most seasoned angler's heart race. When you hook into fish like these, you want a drag system that will put pressure on the fish and turn that behemoth of a fish into your net accordingly, Redington designed its Behemoth Series Fly Reel to have the most powerful drag in its class. Made primarily for saltwater fishing, the Behemoth is also available in five and six weight options for trout applications, and it will balance well with longer spey rods for salmon and steelhead fishing.The unique interlocking design of the real is achieved with a die cast construction, which gives the Behemoth a large arbor, deeply set spool, and a look you won't find on any other reel. The powerful carbon fiber drag system can be cranked up when you need to put some serious pressure on big and stubborn fish, but it maintains a smooth feel so you won't instantly snap your line when your catch decides to make a run at the first sign of your net. Also unique to the Behemoth is the twin molded soft touch ergonomic handle, which helps keep your hand comfortable when playing those larger fish who refuse to come in easily. Redington also made sure the Behemoth can be easily flipped between a left or right handed retrieve, and included a nylon case to protect the reel when traveling to and from the water.