Written for skiers by skiers, Skiing the Pioneer Valley, by Bruce Scofield, Christopher J. Ryan, and Nancy Prajzner, is your passport to portals of adventure, fun, and winter outdoor pleasure. . Details 34 ski destinations in Western Massachusetts, including cross country ski centers, backcountry tours, and downhill ski areas. Cross country ski centers include Brookfield Orchards, Hickory Hill, Notchview Reservation, and more. Backcountry tours include Brimfield State Forest, Mt. Tom State Reservation, Cherry Hill Golf Course, Wendell State Forest, Erving State Forest, and more. Downhill ski areas include Otis Ridge Ski Area Ski Camp, Blanford Ski Area, Mt. Tom Ski Area, and Berkshire East Ski Resort. 1997, first edition, 167 pages. 4.5 x 7.1 x 0.4 in.