The brand new FR Carbon trade bibs highlight the incredible capabilities of the newest addition to our Pro Level clothing offerings, FR C Custom. This exciting new line offers the fit, fabrics, quality and performance that were previously only available in Giordanas FormaRed Carbon line. Constructed of Zaffiro, a high compression performance material. Printable Shield fabric is utilized for panels at the sides and on the back of the shorts. Carbon threaded Ametista material is used in the bib uppers and at the cuffs. At these locations, it is backed by Antigua fabric to form the Aerofix Gripper System that keeps the garment in place seamlessly. The Antigua layer next to the skin has perforations that create air pockets and allow air to permeate. Anatomically shaped cut outs in the uppers eliminate excess fabric and conform to the body on the bike. The uppers are light and breathable as a result. No seams are used at all in the uppers, which lie completely flat and smooth against the body. A back pocket is incorporated into the bib at the back. Instead of stopping at the end of the straps, the Ametista uppers continue down to wrap the internal organs around the waist. Reflective elements add visibility to the legs. The bibs feature Giordanas elite T Select Gel OmniForm insert for maximum protection and comfort.