Deep in the heart of Patagonia, Chile flow two of the world's purest rivers, the Baker and Pascua. Fed by vast glacial systems, these free flowing watersheds drive biodiversity in temperate rainforests, estuaries and marine ecosystems. They are also the life source for Patagonia's most tenacious residents, the gauchos, the iconic South American cowboys who endure relentless winds and long winters on remote ranches in these river valleys. Isolated and largely undeveloped Patagonia and its people are caught in a heated conflict surrounding a proposal to build five large hydroelectric dams on the Baker and Pascua Rivers. Promoted as clean energy, the project's cultural and environmental impacts would forever alter the region. Alternatives exist. Clean energy experts are proving the viability of solar, wind and geothermal resources developed much closer to demand and infrastructure. In Patagonia Rising, Director Brian Lilla takes an in depth look at the controversy.