Performance Downforce 20 Kids Bike. Every child knows when they're ready to heed the call of learning how to ride a bicycle, so be sure that when the time comes they're well equipped for their new adventures. The Downforce by Performance has been expertly crafted for bigger kids who are beginner bike riders. Its durable and lightweight alloy frame is easy to maneuver and built to withstand the normal wear and tear that comes with a first or second bike. For the Downforce's drivetrain, a straightforward 1 speed transmission will help keep their eyes and mind on the road while they're learning to master riding a 2 wheeler. For responsive and powerful stopping, the Downforce includes a linear pull brake as well as a coaster brake. School aged kids have greater hand eye coordination than preschool aged children, so a hand brake is perfect for fine tuning those skills. Finally, the thick and grippy tires of the Downforce will provide better coverage and balance when riding. When your child is ready to graduate to a more complex bike, the Downforce is perfect for passing down to younger siblings.