There are as many preferred racing setups in the Competitive offices as there are racers, but when it comes to training Pinarello's Corsa Women's Shorts are a near constant at least among those of us rocking a Gan or Dogma. With construction input from Giordana, the Corsa is a short built for racing, sure, but its top tier chamois, yoga inspired waistband, and generous leg bands make it the ideal platform for long miles spent building a base. The shorts are finished with some stylishly subtle Pinarello branding, but the real key to their long mile aptitude is in their beautiful simplicity. Instead of an alphabet soup of proprietary materials, the Corsa is built with just one: the gently compressive Moxie. Moxie helps to reduce fatiguing road vibrations over chip seal by stabilizing the muscles. Less energy spent self stabilizing means more energy spent on pedaling, and since every panel but the double folded Lycra waistband is made from Moxie, it spreads that effect throughout the entire body. The fabric is finished with a treatment that accelerates the transfer of moisture away from the skin.