Everything Coming Together for RAAM Except Crew

| UltraRob | Thursday, May 11th, 2006 at 9:51 pm

My training has been going well other than 2 weekends ago when the snow stopped my 191 mile ride and my 2nd 191 mile ride turned into 97 miles because I was fighting a cold. I’m feeling fit and riding well. I’ve gotten my weight down to where I want it. I’m stockpiling bike parts, pills to keep me awake, medication to keep me breathing at my typical 80% of what a coach potato does, Assos Chamois Creme and spray to numb my butt. I’m short on sponsorship but have some and can make it work but if you want to sponsor me or donate money I’d greatly appreciate it! The local newspaper is planning on doing an article and the company I work for is planning to issue a press release.

The thing that is stressing me out right now is I had 8 crew members. One has had to bail because of health issues and another because of work. That leaves me at 6 which is enough. The problem is one more person is having work issues. It would be tough to do RAAM with a crew of 5. If you know of anyone that wants an adventure in June, please let me know. I’m thinking that maybe there’s a college student out there that could use 2 weeks of free food and lodging.

One response to “Everything Coming Together for RAAM Except Crew”

  1. JB says:


    I sent an email to our team (TriPower) to help try and find you another crew member or two. Hopefully things will work out. I’m considering volunteering at the finish in AC.

    Best of Luck

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