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| UltraRob | Wednesday, July 5th, 2006 at 9:42 pm

We got back home around midnight on Saturday. We drove about 1600 miles in 2 days which seemed like a long ways especially with a 3 year old and a 21 month old. It helped me put into perspective the 2,000 miles of RAAM that I did in 8 days on a bike. I plan to write a more detailed day by day account of my RAAM experience over the next several days or weeks depending on how quickly I get the pile of bills cleared off my desk.

We’ve spent the last couple days trying to get caught up on things but I still have a mountain of mail to go through. Today was my first day at work in a month. To make it tougher, they moved the office to another building while I was gone for RAAM. I spent some time wandering around the cubicle maze trying to figure out where everything is.

The good news about the work move is we will now have 3 showers instead of 2 in the locker room. I thought we were supposed to have more lockers since we often ended up stacking stuff on the bench at the old location. The lockers aren’t in yet but I’m having trouble seeing how there can be more. Definitely on the downside is we’re farther from the good road riding and it’s even worse for mountain bike riding. It also increasing my drive time a fair amount although now it’s far enough to make sense to ride my bike in on easy days. The old location was about 4.5 miles from my house which was just far enough to need a shower but not far enough to count as a training ride.

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