When to Drink Accelerade

, , | UltraRob | Thursday, September 13th, 2007 at 9:48 pm

Hammer Nutrition Discount

Kent Peterson, finisher of the Great Divide Race on single speed, wrote a very humorous post about the taste of Accelerade. He came up with when to drink Accelerade.

I did try to come up with a scenario where I’d voluntarily choose to drink Accelerade and I think I’ve come up with it. I imagine a super hot day. I’ve just ridden the Issaquah Alps 100K loop four times without taking a drink. I stagger home, open the fridge and see two bottles. One contains Accelerade and one contains goat urine. In that instance, I would slam down the Accelerade.

My riding is fueled by Perpetuem and HEED from Hammer Nutrition. The Perpetuem has protein in it like Accelerade. I don’t think it tastes bad except when it gets hot. I also sometimes mix HEED in with the Perpetuem to change the flavor. The also have it in an unflavored version.

I have a post from last year that describes how I use the Hammer Nutrition products for different length events. I also wrote about how I used them during the Race Across America last year. If you’ve never ordered from them before, you can get 15% off your first order by following this link. They have a Yahoo group where even the owner will answer questions.

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One response to “When to Drink Accelerade”

  1. Fonk says:

    I actually like the taste of Accelerade, though I’ve found I actually perform better w/ Perpeteum. It usually comes down to which I can get a better price on…

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