Go Green, Save Money

, , | UltraRob | Monday, October 15th, 2007 at 6:07 pm

Today is the first annual Blog Action Day. The idea is that each year they’ll pick a topic for bloggers to write about. This year they pick the environment for the topic.

I started writing a post about the green movement a couple months ago before I knew about Blog Action Day. I never finished writing it. I started writing it after I’d seen yet another company using the green cause in its marketing. I no longer remember what it was for.

I recycle. My wife will throw an aluminum can in the trash because she just wants it out of the way and I’ll pull it out and put it in the recycle bin. I sometimes commute by bike although I should do it more often. My excuse is it isn’t far enough to count as good training but long enough that I need a shower. I feel bad driving my SUV and take our mini-van if my wife isn’t using it.

The thing that annoys me about green becoming popular is that now companies are using it in their marketing. There are very few cases where buying something is greener than not buying it. Just think about what you buy and just how much of it do you really need?

One thing that is green to buy is compact fluorescent light bulbs. Although they cost more, they last longer and save you a lot more than the extra cost. I have switched almost all of my bulbs to fluorescent. Some have said they aren’t better because they have mercury in them. Power plants spew out mercury when they burn coal so the electricity compact fluorescent bulbs save actually reduces the mercury. The best thing is to not throw them in the trash but to recycle them.

Another thing that is green to buy and save you money in the long run is a programmable thermostat. I like it cool when I sleep but warm when I get out of bed in the morning. We have the temperature automatically drop 5 degrees about the time we go to bed and then back to normal an hour before we get up. We used to drop the temperature during the day too but now that we have kids, Julie is normally home.

Some of the best ways to go green don’t cost and are easy to do. Things like recycling, water your lawn in morning or evening when it’s cooler, turn the water off when brushing your teeth and turn off lights. Oh, and if you don’t need it, don’t buy it.

Other Blog Action Day Posts

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Price: $219.95
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$209.95 on sale
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Price: $268.44

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3 responses to “Go Green, Save Money”

  1. Fonk says:

    Kind of ironic that your post about not buying anything unless you really need it is surrounded by ads to buy power meters, messenger bags, various sport drinks, etc. ;-P

  2. UltraRob says:

    It is ironic, isn’t it? Of course if I can help people find what they really want instead of buying something that they don’t like then maybe in the long run they’ll buy less. I would like a power meter but I don’t think anybody really needs one unless their job is racing.

  3. Hi thanks for the link! I appreciate the message you share here and the round up of green links! 🙂

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