Skiing the Fourteeners

, , | UltraRob | Monday, November 19th, 2007 at 9:24 pm

In January Chris Davenport finished skiing all 54 fourteeners in Colorado in 363 days. I have hiked all of them and done winter climbs or skiing on a few of them. I certainly couldn’t ski most of them and have trouble even imagining anyone being able to. A couple that seem really tough to me are Little Bear and Pyramid.

The Forest Service has said that no video can be used that was shot in wilderness areas from a helicopter. I’ve read several places that no video from wilderness areas can be used without any mention of a helicopter. I don’t understand use of video taking by someone skiing but I agree helicopters shouldn’t be hovering over wilderness areas.

Out there posted a link today of a video clip that’s been on YouTube for a couple months. It shows some really good shots of how pretty it is in the backcountry in the winter. It also shows some shots of crazy skiing. There are also a lot of great pictures on his website for the project.

Update: The video was removed from YouTube.

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One response to “Skiing the Fourteeners”

  1. […] few weeks ago I posted about Chris Davenport skiing all 54 fourteeners in Colorado in 363 days. He has a book with over 200 pictures that supposed to start shipping tomorrow according to the Ski […]

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