2 Chances to Win a $50 Gift Card in Time for Christmas

, , , | UltraRob | Tuesday, December 18th, 2007 at 12:12 pm

I’ve been working on a cycling and outdoor gear search on this site for a little over a year. I have a lot more things I want to do with it plus some things need fixing. With my limited time, it will be a while before I get to some of the things.

Here’s your chance to help me and win a $50 gift card. So that I can spend my time working on things you think would make the biggest difference, I’m going to give away a gift card in return for suggestions.. Look around, search for something you’re dreaming about for Christmas. Then write a comment on this post with what you’d like added or what needs improving.

I want to provide incentive to provide good suggestions so I’m not going to award the gift card totally randomly. I also don’t want to spend a lot of time agonizing over which is the best comment. I’m going to pick a handful of the best comments and then pick one of them randomly.

Comments must be submitted by Sunday night, December 23rd. Make sure that I can easily find your e-mail address if you link to your site or that you put it in your comments. Feel free to use name[]mysite.com or something so your e-mail doesn’t get grabbed by the spam bots. I’ll announce a winner sometime on Monday, Christmas Eve. If you win, you can pick any gift card from this page. I prefer you pick one that can be e-mailed but I’ll have one mailed as long as you live in the US.

A 2nd way to win a $50 gift card is to help spread the word about this giveaway and the cycling and outdoor gear search. You’ll need to have a blog or website for this one. Write something and link to both this post and the cycling and outdoor gear search page.

Once you’ve linked, either leave a comment here on where to find them or send me an e-mail. I’m going to end this contest a day earlier than the other one so your readers will have time to enter. That means Saturday night, December 22nd.

For the 2nd giveaway, I’ll pick a winner totally randomly. The winner will be announced at the same time as the other giveaway. The winner will also get the same choice of gift cards.

Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Price: $38.73
Adidas AX2 Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Adidas AX2 Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $135.00
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Salomon X Alp Mid LTR GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $219.95

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6 responses to “2 Chances to Win a $50 Gift Card in Time for Christmas”

  1. Coach Levi says:

    My entry is posted, hopefully it sends some entrants!


  2. kwc says:

    Howdy, I tried to do a search for cycling power meters and wasn’t terribly happy with the result. After some thought, it seems that there were two reasons I was unhappy: (1) even if I put the word ‘cycling’ in, I got a slew of non-cycling products dominating the results and (2) I couldn’t come up with a query that would actually return a good selection of power meters. This, in part, seems to be because the words “power” and “meter” by themselves match very different things. Other queries I tried afterwards fared better, but at the very least I think the ability to narrow down to a particular sport might be useful, though perhaps difficult.

    kwc [at] kwc.org

  3. Posted to The Adventure Blog as well: http://theadventureblog.blogspot.com/2007/12/gear-notes.html

    Hopefully you’ll get some good suggestions! Keep up the great work!

  4. Hi and Merry Christmas to you and your readers!
    First off i have you added to blog here http://oldwaybecomesnewagain.blogspot.com/2007/12/its-friday-schools-out-for-christmas.html

    I tried the search bar on a couple things i am actually shopping for..we are big on camping,hiking etc. so i looked at tents first.My search was very relevant,even found something i am looking for, a Tent Ground Cloth ,which i may add i can get if i win a gc.! 😉
    afterwards i done a search for canteens,something else in the market for.On this one i did get a mixed variety of anything with ”canteen” in it..sunglasses etc. BUT,the search showed up a Canteen Replacement Cap and Filter from Healthy Alternatives ,which was a plus…so all in all,I LIKE IT!thumbs up…
    i hope i win!!!!could sure use that…
    Thanks again for a kickin contest…


  5. […] 2 Chances to Win a $50 Gift Card in Time for Christmas Need a Giant Last Minute Christmas Tree? » Last Day to Enter to Win $50 Gift Card cycling, […]

  6. […] big thanks to everyone who participated in my gift card giveaway. I had planned to start it a few days earlier but had too many other things going on. It seems […]

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