Entry Deadline for Leadville 100 Mountain Bike Race

, , | UltraRob | Sunday, January 13th, 2008 at 8:46 am

Dave Wiens and Floyd Landis at Leadville 100 MTB Start

The deadline for entries to this year’s Leadville 100 mountain bike race is only a couple weeks away. They must be received by January 31st. The mail to Leadville isn’t very fast so I wouldn’t push it if you plan on entering. After watching other people suffer the last 3 years instead of racing it myself, I’m considering doing it again this year. If I do I don’t think I’ll be in shape to improve my best time of 8:18 but maybe I can break 9 hours and get another big buckle.

This year there hasn’t been the buzz that there was last year with the talk of a Floyd Landis and Lance Armstrong showdown. Landis lost his doping appeal and there haven’t been much about Armstrong doing it. Chris Carmichael did list one of Lance’s goals for 2008 as Complete an ultra-endurance cycling event. Of course some ultra cyclists took that to mean something like the Furnace Creek 508.

If you haven’t made up your mind and want to find out more about the race or if you’ve already mailed your entry form in and are waiting anxiously to find out if you make the lottery, here are some links. There’s nothing that will give you a feel for what it’s like being in the old gym with nearly a 1,000 other mountain bikers listening to Ken give his “You’re Better Than You Think You Are” speech.

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