Kane Creek/Harrah Pass/Amasa Back Loop

, , | UltraRob | Thursday, May 8th, 2008 at 6:43 am

View from Amasa Back, Moab, UTIt’s hard to believe it’s been over a month since I was mountain biking in Moab. This post has just been sitting partially written.

The final ride I did in Moab was the Kane Creek/Harrah Pass/Amasa Back Loop. This loop was the first ride I ever did in Moab. I had never been to Moab and went out to race the Tour of Canyonlands. My friend was working the evening before the race so we left late. We got to Moab about 3 AM and I got a few hours of sleep before showing up for the race. Over the years since then, I’ve ridden the loop several times both in racing and just riding.

The last time I had tried riding this loop was in 2004 when the Tour of Canyonlands last used this course. I had gotten sick with aches and chills on the way out a couple days before the race. The day before the race, I felt well enough to ride up Amasa Back but was still weak.

I figured I’d start the race and see how I felt. Even when I haven’t been sick, I often don’t feel good before a race starts. How I feel before a race is never a good indication of how well I’ll race.

Within a couple miles, it was clear I’d be struggling just to finish. I considered just riding it easy but was concerned I’d do my body more harm than good. There had been a big rain a couple days before and the first water crossing that was normally a trickle was flowing pretty good. I hung out with some other people and watched some vehicles get stuck and unstuck.

While I was watching, emergency vehicles went by. Then we started hearing that there had been a bad accident with the racers. I would later find out that “Ben” Hall had been killed in a collision with a truck. Although I often saw him at the races and we’d be back and forth sometimes, I never really got to know him. It truly was a sad day in the mountain bike race community.

Ben Hall Kane Creek MemorialAlthough it has been 4 years since the accident, it was on my mind as I set out on my ride. The Kane Creek road is actually pretty boring but makes for a nice warm up. Right about where I thought the accident had happened from what one of my teammates that saw had told me, I saw a simple cross with a chain ring on it.

Harrah Pass, Moab, UTI always enjoy the views while riding up Harrah Pass. It’s also an enjoyable climb for me since it’s not too steep and I can power up it. I took a short break at the top before the fun, fast descent down the back side.

It always seems like it’s farther than I remember from the bottom of Harrah Pass over to Jackson Hole and the base of Jacob’s Ladder. I actually enjoy being back there so it’s not that I’m not having fun. Less sand would be nice but it’s not all that bad.

Even though I did a lot of work on my bike the first day in Moab, I didn’t change my chain because I didn’t have a new cassette. I also didn’t think my chain had that much wear on it. I was wrong and my chain broke. I carry the Crank Brothers Multi 17 Tool and I really like it because it’s small and has almost everything you could need on the trail. I do find that the chain tool can be bit difficult to use but it’s still much better than not having one. I had trouble fixing the chain and apparently didn’t get it right. About 15 minutes later it broke a 2nd time. That time fixing it went smoothly and it didn’t break again.

Jacob's Ladder, Moab, UTThe first time I raced on this course I had no idea what Jacob’s Ladder was. Before the race I kept hearing people talking about it. I asked my teammate that had raced the course before what it was like. He pointed to some high cliffs and said, “It’s pretty much like those cliffs except there’s a broken section you scramble up.”

Top of Jacob's Ladder, Moab, UTI only half believed him and thought he was just messing with me. I would find out soon enough that his description was pretty accurate. Unlike most of the other racers, I always liked Jacob’s Ladder because I always made up quite a few places on it. It’s no harder than doing the Manitou Incline except that you’re carrying a bike on your back. It’s much easier than doing Gray’s Peak in Montezuma’s Revenge.

Once at the top of Jacob’s Ladder, it’s just a quick descent down Amasa Back. The short steep section back up to the Kane Creek road always seem brutal after descending.

Related Links: 7 Mountain Biking Confidence Killers | Saltwash and Sovereign Singletracks | Gold Bar Rim and Portal Trail

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4 responses to “Kane Creek/Harrah Pass/Amasa Back Loop”

  1. thePig says:

    Thanks for the ride description and great photos. Looks like some fantastic terrain to go cycling.

    I don’t think we have anything like it over here in Europe.

  2. Fonk says:

    I never tire of pics of the La Sals behind the impressive red rock fomrations around Moab…

    Karen and I were both pretty bummed we weren’t able to make it out to Moab this Spring. We went there last year for the first time and had a blast – really love southern Utah, and had always wanted to do Moab. I just did road riding on that trip though, so need to go back and hit up the mtb trails.

    I head down to Cortez tomorrow for the 12 Hours of Mesa Verde on Saturday. It’s been a long time since I raced my mtn bike, and quite a while since I’ve been down to the SW part of Colorado, so am pretty excited about it.

  3. UltraRob says:

    Fonk, Good luck at the 12 hours of Mesa Verde. I wish I even had enough fitness to race and not hate it. The Leadville 100 has me scared.

  4. TImmy Sorrow, Ben's Mom says:

    Thank you so much for your writing and for the pictures. I have looked at it so often over the years since you submitted it.

    Life has gone on, of course, for everyone else, just as it is meant to do. But for a mother, it never goes on, really.

    I hope they leave this site up for a long, long time. It gives me something to revisit. Reminds me that maybe others might remember him, too.

    Thank you, always.
    Ben’s mom

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