October Mountain Bike Race in Colorado Springs

, | UltraRob | Friday, September 19th, 2008 at 6:33 am

Sand Creek Series Mountain Bike Race, Colorado Springs
After six years without local mountain bike racing, Sand Creek Sports brought mountain bike racing back to Colorado Springs this summer. They’re also putting a race on this fall at Cheyenne Mountain State Park.

The race is Saturday, October 18th. With the race in October, it could be buried in snow or sunny and 80 degrees. Most likely it’ll be somewhere in between.

It looks like they have put together a great course. The Pros and Experts will be doing 3 laps for a little over 25 miles.

Course is 8.5 miles/lap starting at an elevation of 6,036′ and with a high point of 6,634′ and with a maximum climb at 18.3%! There will be some dismounts & walking, etc. on this climb. Estimated lap times for the very fastest should be around 45+/- minutes. Held in the shadow of NORAD at the base of Cheyenne Mountain, this mix of boulderized single track to off-cambered crushed granite course will give those who ride three laps about 4,500′ of climbing.

Entry forms
and the USA Cycling release form are on the Sand Creek Sports website.

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2 responses to “October Mountain Bike Race in Colorado Springs”

  1. Fonk says:

    I was talking to Matt about this at our ‘cross race last week. Sounds like a pretty good course.

    I wasn’t able to hit any of the Sand Creek Series races in June, as I was stuck working late all the time. With this one being on a Saturday though, I’ll definitely try to hit this one. Hopefully I can find some time to check out the course first, as I haven’t been over in that park at all yet.


  2. Anonymous says:

    4500 feet of climbing in 25 miles is going to be SICK!

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