2009 Leadville 100 MTB Confirmation Card

, , | UltraRob | Monday, February 9th, 2009 at 12:53 pm

2009 Leadville 100 MTB Confirmation Card
2009 Leadville 100 MTB Confirmation Card Back

Friday the mailman brought me the good news that I got in the Leadville 100 lottery. This means I’ll be going for my 6th Leadville 100 finish.

I fully intend to do more than 6 weeks of training like I did last year. Last year it couldn’t be said I raced Leadville. I merely rode it very slow and steady and finished over 3 hours slower than my best time.

Joanne reports that somewhere around 10,000 entries were received. I expected a big jump in entries with all the publicity from Lance racing Leadville last year but didn’t expect the number to be that big.

Related Links: Leadville 100 MTB FAQ | 2008 Lance and Wiens videos | 2007 Leadville 100 MTB pictures | 2006 Leadville 100 MTB pictures | Views from the Top of the Columbine Climb

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3 responses to “2009 Leadville 100 MTB Confirmation Card”

  1. Niice! If Lawerence gets in you can both give Weinsy a run for is money by riding a tandem!

  2. Jimmy Dodson says:

    Thanks Rob! I'm taking the past LT experiences and putting them to good use this year. Not getting in last year was a blessing in disguise — my RMSF was confirmed by a blood test… ironically I was in a grad level Wildlife Epidemiology class at the same time…

    Pb-ville is definitely something that gets both in your head and in your heart… I love this race! Good luck training & keep in touch. –J

  3. Alan says:

    Congrats Dude.

    I also recieved my 1st confirmation as well. I will be looking forward to chatting with some seasoned vets on this race on preparation….I’m stoked!

    Alan Arellano

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