Get Free Cycling and Outdoor Gear

, , , , , , | UltraRob | Monday, March 9th, 2009 at 5:33 am

Update 3/16/09: The gear winner has been announced.

Everyone loves to get some cool new gear. It’s even better if it’s free. You have a chance to win some free gear this week.

I am giving away a $50 gift certificate to the winner’s choice of these cycling and outdoor stores. Deadline to enter is Sunday, March 15th. To enter use the search box to find your gear. Then tell me in the comments below what gear you’ll get if you win and what adventure you’ll use it on.

You don’t have to limit the price of your gear but if it’s more than $50 you’ll need to use some of your own money. Put some thought into your comment because the winner will be mostly random but if you write something I like you could increase your odds.

The winner will be announced on Monday, March 16th. The winner will have until Wednesday, March 18th to contact me with the choice of gift certificate. It’ll be easiest if you pick one that has electronic certificates.

Subscribe to the blog feed so you don’t miss out on future giveaways.

Good Luck!

Update: I really intend for this to be easy to enter. As long as you aren’t lame and don’t try, you’ll have a good chance at winning since I’ll pick a random number. You just need to write something simple like I’d buy a headlamp so I can go on a moonlight hike. If you do write something really cool, I’ll enter you twice.

Scarpa Zen Pro Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Scarpa Zen Pro Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $159.94
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Hi Tec Penrith Mid Jr. WP Hiking Boots
Price: $38.73
Adidas AX2 Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Adidas AX2 Mid GTX Hiking Boots
Price: $135.00

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25 responses to “Get Free Cycling and Outdoor Gear”

  1. Yeti says:

    Whoohooo!! How could I not enter this contest?!?! Everyone knows what a cheap SOB I am especially those that have bought me beers or laughed at my bald bike tires. Thanks for the chance to score free gear UltraRob you rock!

  2. Carlos U. says:

    Hey Rob! Here it is…

    My friend and I (both geeks) are biking across the USA starting May 20th. We are having meetups and events in many of the stops promoting geeks to bike to work. Our goal is 1000 geeks to change their transportation. To relate to our audience, we are 'geeking' out our ride. The geekiest bike ride ever?


    Here are a few great reasons that a win would make my week:

    -We are raising money to promote a great cause.
    -March 15th is my birthday!
    -You will be considered a sponsor and be listed on our sponsor page.
    -We are still short a few dollars in order to have a successful campaign.
    -Every time we mention the product we buy with the $50, we will link it to a page that has information about the product, including where we got it from (points in your direction.)
    -I'll tweet out to 900+ people about the win.

    How does that sound? 😀

    check out our site < ---where all the magic is happening -Carlos, Real Geeks Ride

  3. Miss 007 says:

    Mighty Verona Trunk Rack….I can’t say more about the double secret probation trip that we have planned for April but suffice to say that the Austin Socialites Entourage are taking the show on the road and for some reason my Yakima roof rack does not work on my convertible. 😉

    You rock Rob!

  4. Yeti says:

    Alright so after re-reading the post I realized that I had in no way complied with the rules and I really wanted to make sure I was in for this thing.

    So I would probably go for a new headlamp, but it is between the myo xp, the tikka or … then I saw the crank bros eggbeaters, or a nice Blackburn Air Tower 4 Pump or even the The North Face Paramount Convertible Pants.

    As for the adventure well you name it. All would be put to good use and would never be left to fade away in the back of some closet. Isn’t that what suits are for?

  5. Mike Panic says:

    Thank you! I’ve been looking / wanting a new travel bag, my Thor MX bag is too big to take for most week-long trips and I’m going to St. Thomas in June and need a managable bag to carry a week’s worth of clothing. While I should be buying new running shoes or a new rear deraileur for my road bike, I feel this Gravis bag in Rebel Yellow would be the best use of the $50 for me right now to help me schlep my gear to a sunny island this summer. I’ll even send you a postcard!

    Oh, I still need to purchase Thule LB50 load bars to complete the roof rack system I pieced together this winter.

  6. mattmmatt says:

    I’d buy the some exciting and dangerous cycling socks, so I don’t have to wear the same, often stinky, pair I own on my road and mountain rides.

  7. Bill L. says:

    Just got married and I’m really trying to get my wife to do more riding . . . so I can buy more great cycling stuff!!!

  8. Bill L. says:

    Oh, and I’d start the process on working up the funds to get a Van Dessel Hole Shot Cyclocross Bike!

  9. Jay Dub says:

    I would buy a thermarest for my wife, to hopefully encourage the comfort of camping for her, and make it more feasible for me to get to go sometimes. 😀

  10. Scott M. says:

    I would get the Wald Rear Twin Basket Carrier Large so I can go grocery shopping on my bike.

  11. EB says:

    I'm planning to go to Borneo in the fall & need a pair of leech socks…

    Unfortunately the search box didn't yield anything on that front. I do see some travel shirts which I could use, particularly ones with longer sleeves (women are encouraged to dress modestly when visiting).

  12. dan richards says:

    i would buy a set of conti tires for my bike, replacing the the baldies that i blew out.

  13. I need the “Planet Bike Blaze 1 Watt Front Bike Light.” Gonna put it on my son’s new bike, and continue out cycling adventures past dusk!

  14. Slow Rider says:

    I live just outsid ethe smokey mtns and my family did there first overnight hike last year. 9 yr old boy , 8 yr old girl, 5 yr old boy and my wife. I realized to get them on another overnighter in the GSMNP I need to get them a couple of creature comforts. I am a minimalist and didn’t think they needed pillows. They could just use wadded up spare clothing like me put in a stuff sac. Now you know the rest of the story. Help please

  15. Len Gilbert [Inovis] says:

    I would by a SOMA rear rack for my Bridgestone and use it to go bike camping with my kids.

  16. Ian says:

    Yay! Money that doesn’t require spousal approval to spend!

  17. Yeti says:

    I would prize my gift certificate so much I would never ever spend it. I would frame it and mount it on the wall in the living room over the fireplace with big freaking arrows pointing to it so every one would know I won it. I’m a winner people like me!! That is exactly what I would do.

    Or I would score a new jersey.

    Thanks for the chance! Oh and the more I enter the greater the odds right?!?!?!

  18. skippy254 says:

    I need some new cycling clothes. I might have to start riding naked if I don’t win and that wouldn’t be a pretty picture.

  19. SarGuy says:

    Wow, $50! I would use it at either Bike Nashbar toward a cycling jacket that sheds the water better than what I currently have. Or at Backcountry for a few carabiners to replace what I lost or broke last climbing season. Probably the jacket though.

  20. Robert says:

    very nice Rob.

    Would probably be some tires for LT 100. New egg beaters are an option as well, I tend to wear out the eggbeater SL on Mt Herman.

  21. UltraRob says:

    Yeti, nice try but you only get one entry but you’re welcome to comment as many times as you want.

  22. Pol says:

    Hey UB,

    With a gift certificate, I’d probably get a windproof skullcap, to keep the warm in on those cold road rides.


  23. cable says:

    Hey is the entry valid yet?

  24. UltraRob says:

    cable, this giveaway has ended but watch the blog because I plan to do another giveaway soon.

  25. […] a $50 gift card and what adventure they’d use it on. Mike Panic is the lucky winner of the $50 cycling and outdoor gear giveaway. […]

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